Chapter 27

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So.....what have I done in the past two days that is embarrassing? Great question. So on Monday I actually wanted to update, I also wanted to update yesterday, but I procrastinate like no other so  you know....but anyway so Monday I was sitting at my desk like 'oh I'll write for a bit and then work on my theatre homework' then I was like 'oh maybe I will change my wattpad theme' and literally I spent like two hours trying to find a decent theme because for some reason my picture and background HAVE to match or else it looks bad and I hate it, but the thing is I'm not OCD or anything AT ALL! I am so messy and disorganized and I don't even know. So I was looking up pictures and changing junk and I just couldn't find one I like so I changed it to my favorite theme I've ever had (it's still up right now) and then my annoying, dumb, stupid, older brother looks at my laptop and tells me it doesn't look good and that it's too depressing and I got really depressed after that because I LOVE THIS THEME SOOOOO MUCH AND IDEK WHY! And that is Bella's Awkward (not so) Social Story of the Day....

Alex’s PoV

Music flows through the headphones. I sway my upper body back and forth. I watch Niall in the recording booth singing. I internally groan. This boy will be the death of me. Niall smiles at me as he waits to sing again. I smile bigger when his voice floods through the headphones. Austin starts to mock me. I whack his arm. Austin pulls down his headphones, and I do the same.

“What?” I ask with sass laced into my tone.

“I can now torment you like you tormented me when I went through the honeymoon stage with Addison,” Austin says quietly so we don’t distract anyone working.

“I am not in the honeymoon stage,” I object. “I’m not even technically his girlfriend.”

Austin gasps. “This won’t do,” I just stare at him. What? “Well, I may or may not know that he is going to ask you like really soon so yeah.”

“Who told you?” I narrow my eyes at him. I don’t know whether or not to believe him.

“Liam,” Austin shrugs. “But you don’t have to believe me.”

I scan his face to check for any signs that he is lying. I can't tell because can be a really good liar, which is scary. I want to believe him, but I just don’t know. I would love to be Niall’s girlfriend. I figured he would ask me sooner or later because we have been on a couple dates now, and we have had a really good time on them. Plus, we spend a lot of time together already, being on the same tour bus and all. I decide to believe Austin, but I’m not telling him I do. He will only do something dumb. I wish Addison was still here to keep him under control. Addison had to go back home to resume college so Austin is clinging to me, again. I guess I don’t really mind because he’s my brother, but after a while, he starts whining about he misses Addison. It’s kind of annoying, kind of cute and sweet.

“And you are so in the honeymoon stage regardless of your titling. You’re always cuddling, and ugh,” Austin pretends to gag.

“Now you know how I felt!” I exclaim.

“Now you know how I felt,” Austin says right back. I huff. He has a point.

“Touché,” I turn my face away from him.

My phone starts ringing. It’s David. I cringe. “Hello?” I answer.

“Alex, um hi,” David says. I can just picture him rubbing the back of his neck like he does when he get uncomfortable. He should be uncomfortable.

“You should have a really good reason for calling,” I say. Bitch mode on. Let us recap why we frown upon David. I liked David, and he was the first person I had any sort of feelings for since I gave birth to Lou. He decided that he didn’t want to date me because I kept bailing him. Sorry, my son was dying I wanted to be with him. I can't control things like these, and if he couldn’t understand that then I don’t know what to say to him.

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