Dress Shopping

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Short Story #9 - Dress Shopping - Annabeth and Percy


*8th grade Prom* *No relationships*


Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Sammy, Jason, Piper, and Reyna are all in a dress shop. Percy, Frank, Leo, Jason, and Sam all got dragged into it by the girls.

Percy came because of Annabeth.

Sammy came because of Hazel.

Frank also came because of Hazel.

Jason came because of Piper.

Piper and Reyna came because of Hazel and Annabeth.

Leo just had nothing better to do.

The girls were all running around the store squealing and picking out lots and lots of dresses.

The guys made small talk while sitting awkwardly in front of the dressing rooms. Each of the girls took a stall. The boys arranged themselves accordingly. Percy is front of Annabeth's, Sammy got to be in front of Hazel's, Frank got pushed to Reyna's and Jason in front of Piper's. Leo sat in front of an empty stall. The girls  all emerged at the same time. All the guys eyes were popping out of their heads at the sight of so mush beauty.

"Well?" the girls said in unison.

"You all look pretty chill." Leo states.

"Pretty," says Frank, looking at Hazel.

"Astonishing," Sammy says, also looking at Hazel.

"Lovely." Jason says, looking at Piper.

"Absolutely and utterly beautiful," Percy says, looking at Annabeth, his eyes not looking any where but her face. After a few more dresses and opinions, a problem occurs.

"Uhhh... I can't get my zipper..." Annabeth says from her stall.

"Sorry. We can't go over there right now!" the other 3 girls call.

"I got it..." Percy whispers as he gets up and goes to Annabeth's stall. He knocks.

"Hey, Wise Girl? Can I help you?" He whispers with his forehead resting against the door.

"Ummm... Sure." she says as she unlocks the door. Percy enters to see her in the most beautiful dress he has ever seen. He can't describe it, it just flatters her perfectly.

"Zip me up will you?" she asks.

"Sure..." he stutters. Percy takes the zipper at the base of her lower back and pulls it up as he drags his thumb over her bare back lightly. Once he gets to the top he pulls her hair back, which she had been holding up, and turns her around. He kissed her cheek and then he left without another word.

When Annabeth came out, Hazel gave her a look that said 'Tell me EVERYTHING'

Annabeth chuckled and the group carried on like nothing ever happened.

But it did.

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