Head On Shoulder

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Short Story #25 - Head On Shoulder - Annabeth and Percy


*Percy and Annabeth are dating.*

*Before Percy goes missing.*


It had been an amazing few weeks with Annabeth. Percy was still processing that he and his crush (Annabeth) were finally going out.

Now Percy is not a very good at remembering dates, but he remembered their 1 mont anniversary. He had it all planned out. He had the kitchens prepare an amazing lunch and he put it all in a basket. He had already swum down to their favorite spot and created a bubble. The bubble was set up with chairs and a table. He also had games down there. He just added the basket. Satisfied with his work, he swims up yo find Annabeth.

Annabeth was sitting on her bed in the Athena cabin, on Daedalus's laptop. She looks up when she feels lips on her neck.

"Percy!" She yelps, "Not here... In the middle of my cabin!"

"Aww... Spoil sport." he says with a puppy pout. "I know! Come with me." He then pulls her off her bed after she stored away her laptop.

"Where are we going?" Annabeth questions as Percy is dragging her onward.

"You know." Percy says with a sheepish grin. Annabeth smiles at the thought of the beach.

When they get there, Percy keeps pulling Annabeth until they are completely under the waves. He willed her dry and gave her a bubble of air around her head. She is trying to think about where in the Hades they are going.

Soon the bubble came into view and a mighty grin spread across both their faces. Percy drags her in and she gasps.

"Percy! Did you do all of this?" she asks, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Yeah..." Percy says.

"Oh... You shouldn't have." She says with an unusual look of love in her eyes.

"Well, I had to do something for our 1 month anniversary!" Percy exclaims.

"It is? Oh. My. Gods! I totally forgot." Annabeth says.

"That's okay because I remembered." Percy says smugly.

They then sit down and eat the wonderful lunch. Afterwords, they play games. Annabeth wins most of them. Then at dusk they cuddle up and Annabeth leans her head on his shoulder. They both slowly fall asleep after an exciting day.


Authors Note:

Hey! I have not been able to get my hands on a computer in the past week.
I am just running off of the ones I typed up last week and this is the last one.
I will not be updating at all the rest of the week. I will hopefully be able to type some more this following week.
Thank you so much so staying with me. I just wanted to let you know that even if I don't respond to your comments, I read every single one with a smile on my face.
Thank you so much to everyone who votes for my story.
I love you all so much!!

- water_and_art_girl

Percabeth Short Stories // Percy Jackson Fanfiction // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now