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Short Story #33 - Waterfall - Hazel and Frank


*Dating for several months (after 'The Question')*

*Percy and Annabeth are dating as well.*


Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel are all on vacation with their families together. They are in Hawaii for a week. The parents are all playing games and the 'kids' want to go exploring. With permission from all the parents, they do just that. They through on swimsuits and hiking gear on top of that. Percy and Frank insist on carrying the backpacks.

They go exploring and hiking, talking the whole time. Frank and Hazel are holding hands. They have been dating for 5 months. They have been holding hands, cuddling, hugging, but have not kissed. Hazel has kissed Frank o the cheek and Frank has kissed Hazel on the nose, but never on the lips. They are too sweet to force it on each other.

On the other hand, Percy and Annabeth are super gooshy and lovey dovey. They kiss ALL the TIME. They've known each other for forever.

As they are hiking, they see a beautiful flowers, exotic animals. and lush wildlife. Percy and Annabeth walk ahead of Frank and Hazel.

"Hey! I see a waterfall!" Percy shouts.

"I don't want to get wet..." Annabeth complains.

"I want to swim!" Hazel says excitedly, "You two go ahead. Meet us back here in an hour. Frank will stay with me."

"Okay. See you soon." Annabeth says as she and Percy walk away.

Frank and Hazel stand in front of the magnificent waterfall. It cascades down the slippery side of a cliff and lands in a big pool of shimmering water. There is a sign that says the pool is safe and human approved.

Hazel sees Annabeth and Percy round the corner on the path. Frank then takes off the backpack and starts to take off his shirt so he can go swimming in his pink swim trunks. Hazel undresses to show her black one piece that comes in and exposes a little bit of her belly and has colorful strips crossing the back.

"Race you!" Hazel screams as she runs toward the raging waterfall. Frank is startled, but soon runs after her. They reach the pond at the same time.

"CANNON BALL!" Hazel yells. She splashes a stunned looking Frank. "What are you staring at?" she says.

"You." Franks says without missing a beat. Hazel blushes and bites her bottom lip ever so slightly. Frank finds this incredibly sexy. The atmosphere surrounding them changes from playful and flirty to serious and lustful.

Franks wades into the pond slowly, making Hazel blush even more. He then swims over to her and hugs her, kissing the top of her head. Hazel giggles and the atmosphere is once again playful and flirtatious. They swim around enjoying the cool water on the hot, humid day. Hazel swims circles around Frank, literally. Laughing, Frank chases Hazel and, when her finally catches her, he throws her across the pool toward the waterfall.

Hazel falls underneath the waterfall and goes under the surface. Franks swims over frantically.

"Hazel! Hazel!" he screams, even though he knows she can't hear him.

"Hazel! Hazel!" Hazel hears Frank scream. She is underwater so his voice sounds distant and disoriented. She is slowly losing consciousness. She swallowed a lot of water when she went under the waterfall. Frank dives under and sees Hazel steadily drifting to the bottom. Her eyes show fear. He goes after her and wraps one arm around her waist while using the other one to drag them up. She starts coughing up water as soon as their heads break the surface. Frank supports both of them. Hazel points toward the back of the waterfall and mutters something that sound like 'cave'. He takes them back and sure enough, there is a cave. He hauls them into it. Hazel finally manages to cough up all the water that was in her lungs.

"Thanks." she says.

"Well, I couldn't leave you. Your the love of my life." he says. Hazel looks astonished while Frank is absolutely mortified that he just said that out loud.

Before either of them get a chance to say anything, Hazel leans in and kisses Frank for the first time. At first, he is surprised and doesn't respond. Hazel pulls away, thinking he didn't want that. She gets up fast, turns, and runs deeper into the cave, crying. Frank does not know how to process what just happened.

Meanwhile, Hazel has been sprinting down the dark cave. She turns a corner and sees a bright light. As she emerges, she sees an alluring sight. There is an indoor cavern. It has an open top and there is lush plant life. There is a miniature version of the waterfall outside. Hazel goes and sits on the edge of the mini pond, thinking about what just happened.

"Why did I have to do that? It was just a mistake." she says to herself.

"Oh. I don't think it was a mistake." Franks says as he materializes from the cavern entrance, "I loved it, actually." he inspects his fingernails while he waits for her to respond.

"I - I... Ummm..." is all Hazel can say.

"You know, I was really quite shocked when you kissed me. That's why I didn't respond. If you had given me 2 more seconds, I would have." he says. He then goes over to where Hazel is sitting. He pulls her into the water and under the mini waterfall. The water is waist deep and the waterfall is not very powerful at all.

"I'm so lucky to have you." Hazel says while staring into Frank's eyes. "If I kiss you right now, would you respond?" she asks.

Franks responds by leaning in and, to Hazel's delight, rests his forehead on hers and gives her enough time and space to back away. Instead, she leans in. Their lips meet and they fit perfectly together.

They stand there kissing under the waterfall for what feels like ages. Finally, after a long time, Frank rests his head on Hazel's.

"What time is it?" he asks. hazel looks at her waterproof watch.

"Shoot!" she yelps, "We were supposed to meet Percy and Annabeth 15 minutes ago!"

"Crap." he swears. They reluctantly break apart and scramble out of the small pond. They run out of the cavern, after taking a picture, and down the cave. They stop right behind waterfall and slowly make their way down to the big pond.

"Hazel! Frank! Where are you?!" they hear Annabeth and Percy call out.

"Calm down guys. We're right here!" Frank calls rather dramatically.

"Haha. Hilarious." Annabeth smirks. "Where were you guys?"

"We were... checking out the cave behind the waterfall." Hazel tells her as they get out of the water and put back on their hiking clothes.

"Sure..." Annabeth says. She has a knowing twinkle in her eyes.

"Okay. Let's get going! I'm starving!" says Percy as he pushes the rest of them forward. As they walk back to the hotel where their parents are, they resume their usual places. Percy and Annabeth are up ahead, while Frank and Hazel are behind them. All couples are holding hands.

Frank then whispers in Hazel's ear, "We are going to have to go visit that cavern again."


Authors Note:

Hey!! I decided to keep the voting for the names up for a little while longer. So far it looks like 'Shippies' has 4 votes and 'Blue Cookies' has 2 votes. Thank you so much to the people who have voted. I will take into consideration your comments and such and make the big announcement at the end of my next update!
Thank you for the 15,100 reads, 401 votes, and 45 comments.
It means so much to me!
And look I updated so yay!!!

- water_and_art_girl

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