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Short Story #34 - Soccer - Annabeth and Percy




"Yeah!" Percy yells as Annabeth makes a goal. Her soccer game was going really well. They were up 5-3 with 5 minutes left of the fourth quarter. Annabeth's team holds the other team from making any more goals.

Annabeth looked over at Percy with a smug smile when the whistle blew to signal the end of the games. Her smile was taunting, challenging. She ran off the field celebrating her win with her team members who all ship Percabeth.

After they shake hands with the other team, Annabeth gets carried over to Percy where they drop her and her stuff.

"Hey." Annabeth says as she straightens herself out. This has happened before.

"Hey." Percy looks her up and down - cleats, socks, shin guards, black shorts, yellow jersey, soccer ball tucked under her arm, hair in a ponytail, black headband, soccer bag over one shoulder.

Annabeth blushes, "Let's go. We have to walk back." The soccer field is not that far from her house.

"Okay. Let us walk then." Percy says as he throws his arm over her shoulder and pulls her closer. A chorus of "awwwws" are heard from the rest of Annabeth's team, who are watching them from not-so-far-away. Percy chuckles while Annabeth blushes tomato red. They walk away with the squeals slowly fading into the distance.

They walk together on a hidden path that winds through a filed that is blooming with wildflowers of pinks, yellows, and blues.

Annabeth looks over at Percy. He has a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

"What?" she asks.

"Oh. I was just thinking about how I am so much better at soccer than you." he responds in a nonchalant tone.

"Is that a challenge, Seaweed Brain?" she says as she stops to face him.

"Yep!" Percy yells as he knocks the ball out of Annabeth's grasp. She doeesn't respond right away. She goes running after him. She catches up to him and expertly takes the ball from him while shoving him to the ground. He falls flat on his back, but is able to trip Annabeth as she tries to run away. She falls down with him.

"Hey!" Annabeth yelps as she is pulled down on top of him. He smiles goofily at her, "You're such a loser."

"Then how did I get you?" he says as he picks a blue flower and puts it in her hair. he strokes her cheek and then pulls her lips down to meet his own.

They lie thre kissing in the wildflowers for what feels like a lifetime.


Author's Note:

First off I want to personally thank each and every person who commented.

KatkatZ33 x5


MagicPuppy x3

1heroesofolympusfan x4

Unown66 x6

weirdlover15 x4

CaliGirlLuvsBrit x2




irkaizawesum x3

AnnabethMellark x8


Percabethlover_101 x4

Pandaz1568 x7





Thanks so much to each and every one of my Blue Cookies who comments. They always make me smile. It makes me feel super happy.

Plus, I updated a whole day before I thought I would! YAY!!! I have been writing all day so I have a lot of new stories! I'm super excited.

Peace out Blue Cookies!

- water_and_art_girl

Percabeth Short Stories // Percy Jackson Fanfiction // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now