Fix You

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Short Story #29 - Fix You - Calypso and Leo
*Between House of Hades and The Blood of Olympus.*
Leo could not stop the ache of his heart. He finally found someone who was perfect. And the tears start to some down streaming down his face. He lost something he can't replace. He loves her, but it might be a waste. 'Could it be worse?' he asks himself. Leo had to get home, home is where Calypso is.
Calypso would sit and watch the shore everyday. She feels so tired, but she can't sleep. Stuck in reverse. And the tears come streaming down her face. She thinks of him when she's awake and dreams of him when she's asleep. She had to get home, home is where Leo is.
Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.
Authors Note:
Hey guys. My iTouch is being really weird and the Wattpad app keeps crashing on me. It lost all my stories. I can't go into the 'Create' mode without it crashing. This is unedited so I hope it's not too bad. I'm sorry that it's so short. I have no time this week.
Also! I will be on a vacation from June 13th to June 19th, so I will not update during then. I just wanted to give you a heads up.
Thank you so much for the 10, 763 reads, 185 votes, and 34 comments! WOW! THAT'S A LOT! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
As always, I love you all so much!
- water_and_art_girl

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