Dancing In The Rain

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Short Story #24- Dancing In The Rain - Hazel and Frank


*Frank and Hazel are dating*


The date would start in 5 minutes. Hazel had just finished completing her last touch of makeup when there was a knock on the door. She opens it to reveal Frank.

"Hey." Frank says.

"Hey." she responds. The air has a mood of awkwardness and excitement. You can hear the downpour of rain in the background.

"So... Where are we going?" Hazel asks.

"A beautiful place and you're dressed perfectly for it." he says as he checks Hazel out. She is wearing a cute sweatshirt, jeans and rain-boots. He pulls out an umbrella.

"Come on." Frank says as he holds out his arm.

It is a very casual date. Not fancy at all. They walk in the rain under the umbrella, Hazel clutching Frank's arm that is holding up the umbrella. She is resting her head on his shoulder.

After walking in a comfortable silence for a while they end up on the city hall lawn. There is this little structure, almost like a gazebo, with the directions (North, South, East, West) in tiles on the ground.

Frank leads Hazel to the structure and lowers the umbrella. Hazel turns to face Franks and puts her arms around his neck. He snakes his arms around her waist. They both look up at the dark sky and smile as they feel the rain on their faces.

Giggling, Hazel unwraps herself from Frank and runs down the small hill and starts to dance around. Frank runs after her and joins in. He grabs her hands and they spin around.

Hazel is laughing and so is Frank. She stumbles around because she is very dizzy after being spun around. She lies down to clear her head. She looks around for Frank, but cannot find him. It starts to rain harder.

Frank sees Hazel lying down, shivering. He formulates a plan that will be more fun than dancing in the rain...

Hazel is shivering like mad now. Suddenly, she feels a body on top of hers. She opens her eyes that she did not know were closed.

"You look cold. I can be your blanket to warm you up." Frank whispers in her ear. She shivers at the feel of his hot breath on her neck. She can't stand it anymore. She grabs his face and brings his lips crashing down onto hers. She pulls him as close as possible as he tangles his hands into her silky hair. She can feel warmth course through her as they continue to kiss.

Frank reluctantly pulls away.

"Are you warm now?" he asks.

"Yes." Hazel responds breathlessly as she pulls them together once more.


Authors Note:

Happy Monday!
I thought that I would give you a bit if happiness to make your day brighter.
I go back to school today so the next update will be on the weekend. Most likely Saturday night/Sunday morning.
I hope you have a fantastic week!

- water_and_art_girl

Percabeth Short Stories // Percy Jackson Fanfiction // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now