Eight Couples One Date

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Short Story #63 - Eight Couples, One Date - Annabeth and Percy - Piper and Jason - Hazel and Frank - Katie and Travis - Calypso and Leo - Nico and Will - Juniper and Grover - Clarisse and Chris -


*All couples are dating*

*Outfits in the media box if you are interested*


"Hello? Yes. I'd like to make a reservation. How many? 16 people. Yeah, really. Ever heard of a double date? Of course you have. This is an octuple date. Yeah. Eight couples. Don't worry. We can pay. When do we want our reservation? 6:30 Thursday night. That's good. It's under the name Solace. See you then... I guess. Bye," Will hangs up the phone.

The fifteen people sitting behind him look at him with hopeful faces.

"Yes, we have a dinner reservation. Date night is on!" Will declares.

Cheers rise from the small crowd. You'd think they had won Capture the Flag.

All of a sudden, Hazel goes pale. "What will I wear? All I own are training clothes. I have nothing that is formal enough. Plus I don't even know where to start."

"You know, I am a child of Aphrodite. I can help you if you want," Piper suggests.

"Yeah. I will help you too!" Juniper has a huge smile on her face, "I can even weave a dress for you that will feel like regular clothing material, since you probably don't have time to go shopping,"

"That's right! The reservation is tomorrow, so make sure to clear your schedule," Will says. "I will not hesitate to leave you behind as this is a very fancy restaurant. I do NOT want to be late."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Clarisse mock salutes.

"Away with you!" Will playfully says, "Most of you still have lessons to teach today."

A chorus of grumbles goes around the group as they all get up from the pavilion and go their separate ways.


Annabeth was struggling to get her skirt on right. She wasn't sure which way it went. A skirt was as dressy as she was going to get. She definitely preferred pants or shorts.

A knock on the door rings out into her empty cabin. The rest of the campers are off training.

Percy's muffled voice says, "Annabeth? Are you ready?"

"Almost. Can you come help me?" She calls back.

Percy walks in the door, quickly closing it. He takes in the scene of Annabeth struggling to put her skirt on correctly. He chuckles lightly to himself.

He goes up to her and takes hold of the sides on the skirt. He raises a single eyebrow as if to ask permission to move it. She nods.

Carefully moving the skirt around, Percy gets the skirt into the right spot and zips it without ever wavering or lowering the waistband of the skirt.

"How did you know where the skirt rested?" Annabeth asks in awe and slight confusion.

"When I was younger my mom always needed help skipping her skirts because she couldn't bend to the back and she didn't want Gabe doing it. So she taught me," Percy explains as he blushes slightly.

"Well, I think it's adorable," Annabeth smiles.

"I'm so lucky to have you," Percy mumbles as he steals a quick kiss.

"Let's go before Will leaves us behind," Annabeth laughs as she takes Percy's hand and walks out of the Athena cabin.

Meanwhile, Calypso is outside of Bunker 9, yelling at Leo to hurry up.

Percabeth Short Stories // Percy Jackson Fanfiction // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now