Marry Me

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Short Story #39 - Marry Me - Annabeth and Percy


*They have been dating for 7 years after they defeated Gaea.* *Live together*


The sound of the shower stirs Annabeth from her slumber. She reaches out to the other side of the bed to confirm her assumption. Percy is in the shower.

She smiles at the thought of her beautiful boyfriend of 7 years. They have been through a lot together - multiple quests, 2 wars, and countless friends and family lost. That's a lot, but he makes it all bearable.

"Will you marry me?" Percy sings from the shower, "I swear that I will mean it. I say, will you marry me. Oooh Ohhh Oooh Ohhh."

Annabeth giggles. 'The day will come' she thinks to herself. She starts to sing along softly.

'A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head

When I think of all the years I wanna be with you

Wake up every morning with you in my bed

That's precisely what I plan to do.'

The water shuts off, but Annabeth to hum the song with her eyes closed and her head against the pillow. The door opens and Percy walks in with his boxers on. He smirks when he recognizes the song that Annabeth is humming. He gets back into bed and starts to play with her hair.

"Morning Seaweed Brain." she says.

"Morning Wise Girl." he says back.

"Good shower?"  she asks.

"Yep." he answers.

"Enough to ask the shower head to marry you?" Annabeth smirks.

Percy laughs, "You jealous?"

"You wish." she scoffs.

"I know you are," he leans closer, letting the salty smell of the sea wash over her.

"Nope." she says a little less confidently.

He chuckles, "My singing is pretty good though, you've got to admit."

"It's infectious. I'll give you that." she says.

"I'll take it." he kisses her cheek and gets out of bed to get dressed. "Come on. Lots to do. People to see. Time to start the day."

"Ugh. Fine." Annabeth reluctantly gets up. They both get ready and walk out the door hand in hand, Percy's pocket full with a little box that may have a little ring in it.


Authors Note:

Hello my Blue Cookies.

I have a lot new stuff written so I should update regularly now! School starts in 10 days. I will be updating only on the weekends starting on the 25th of this month.

I hope to update twice more before that date above. If you have any more suggestions for stories I should do, please comment! It can be a plot or a few words, but make sure you say what ships you want it to be about.

Thanks for the 39,319 reads, 946 votes, and 124 comments. Thank you guys! You are the best.

- water_and_art_girl

(P.S. If you can guess my age, I will dedicate the short story of your choice to you!)

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