Birthday Box

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Short Story #21 - Birthday Box - Annabeth and Percy


*No relationships*


Hazel has a plan. She has an amazing plan. She has an fantastic, amazing plan. She has an evil, fantastic, amazing plan. It involves a box, a boy, and a birthday.

The box is huge... Big enough for a person.

The boy is cute. He's for someone who is aging.

The birthday is soon and her best friend's special day.

On the day before her friend's birthday, Hazel put her plan into affect.

"Hey Percy!" Hazel calls.

"Hey Hazel. What's up?" he says.

"Nothing much. Can you do me favor?" she asks innocently.

"Sure..." Percy says but adds, "But what it is?" when see's the evil glint in Hazel's eyes.

"Oh, well... I just need to put you in a box tomorrow and wrap you up!" she says cheerily.

"Uh... No thanks." Percy says.

"Oh. Okay. Well, see you tomorrow I guess." Hazel says as she walks away. She's not worried. She expected this. She got the rope and duck tape ready for tomorrow.

- Time Skip -

"Bye Mom!" Percy called as he started to walk to Annabeth's house, birthday present in hand. Hazel crept up behind him and hit him in the head, effectively knocking him out.

She tied him up and put tape over his mouth. She then put him in the box and wrapped him. She then put holes in the box so he could breath. She then picked up his present and put it on top of the box. She then put the presents in he her red wagon.

Once she arrived at Annabeth's house, she pressed the doorbell.

"Hey! So glad you could make it! Now we are only waiting for Percy." Annabeth said. At the mention of his name, the box rocked.

"Okay... Umm... here. Uh... We should open presents now. Uh... cause mine will wake up, um I mean uhh... yeah you should open mine. NOW!" Hazel responds not so cooly.

"Okay. Whatever. Come in." Annabeth says. Hazel then hauls the wagon up the steps and into the house.

"Let's do presents!" Annabeth says loudly.

"YAY!" everyone cheers.

"Hazel, you first." Annabeth says while reaching out to take the present. She sets it on the ground. As she rips open the wrapping the box starts to move. Hazel is grinning like a mad man. Annabeth opens the box and shrieks.

"Oh. My. Gods." she says. She tips the box over and Percy rolls out groaning. Annabeth unties him.

"Thanks." Percy says.

"Sure thing." Annabeth says. She then hugs him. "You do know that you are my birthday gift right?"

"Yes." Percy says.

"Well... There was only one person who knew what was at the top of my list." Annabeth says as her eyes twitch back and forth between Percy and Hazel.

"Oh? And what is that?" Percy asks, intrigued.

"You." Annabeth whispers in his ear. " A kiss or a question or both..."

"You mean like this?" Percy says as he brings their faces together in a small, but passionate, short kiss.

"Yes." Annabeth breaths, "Exactly like that."

"Will you, Annabeth Chase, go out with me?" Percy asks.

"YES!" she yells. Everyone behind them looks as if they just watched the cheesiest romance movie of all time... and absolutely loved it. Hazel was chanting something about her OPT.

"Best birthday box ever." Annabeth says.

"Hey! What about mine? - Or mine?- Yeah! Mine's actually good this year!" Everyone else chimes.

"Alright. I will come and open the rest of the presents and then I will decide." she compromises. She goes over to where the others are, sits down and starts to unwrap another present. She looks at Percy and gives him a flirtatious wink. Percy just smiles like a love stuck fat hamster.


So here is the authors note from 3/31/14...
"Hey my Demigods!
I have had a comment from percabeth123456789 and they have asked for more Jasper/Jiper. I am very happy to do so. I have this master list of all my short stories and the soonest I can fit it in is short story #26. That is 6 short stories away. I hope that's okay.
I will most likely update Friday or Saturday.
Sorry it's going to be a long wait! It will be worth it!
Love you all and thank you for sticking with me!

- water_and_art_girl"

So this is the long anticipate update. I will hopefully update tomorrow.
By the way... Happy Four Day!!!
I also would love it if you voted. It only takes a second.
Love you all dearly!

- water_and_art_girl

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