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Short Story #62 - Fishing - Annabeth and Percy - SoMinkoves




"Come on!" Percy coaxes, "We haven't done anything random, and fun, in ages."

"But fishing? How is that fun?" Annabeth asks.

"It's fun when you don't need actual fishing gear," Percy says mysteriously.

"Okay..." She wonders.

Percy pulls on Annabeth's hand and drags her towards the lake. They climb into a canoe and he makes the boat drift out using the current.

"How in the world do we fish without a rod, line, or a hook," Annabeth asks.

"With demigod magic," Percy states.

"Don't you dare pull some cheesy pick-up line about hooking the best fish in the sea with nothing but your charms. I've heard it before," she says while barely managing a straight face.

He looks utterly dumbstruck as to why she knew exactly what he was going to say. "How?"

Annabeth's straight face turns into a gigantic grin, "Drooling isn't the only thing you do in your sleep..."

"I talk, don't I," he says sheepishly.

"Yes, yes you do. Every single pick-up line you are ever going to say, you've already said it to me," she laughs.

"Well, this is slightly embarrassing," he rubs the back of his neck. "Here I was, thinking I could get my girl out onto a lake, in a canoe, and tell her a cheesy pick-up line to make her laugh, when I had already done that."

"You already made me laugh," she giggles slightly, "plus, I still want to know how you plan on fishing with no gear."

"Uhh... Yeah... About that," Percy shrugs and sticks his hand out in a 'what do ya do' gesture.

The water ripples next to the bout and a gorgeous, rainbow colored fish jumps out of the water and lands on Percy's outstretched hand.

His eyes bulge out of their sockets and Annabeth starts laughing hysterically.

"I-I totally meant to do that," he says as he drops the fish back into the water. "It's almost as if Fred got a bit to excited for his cue..."

"You - you just ma-made that u-up!" Annabeth is able to gasp out between laughing fits.

"Pssshhhttt. What? Noooo," he says in a purposefully playful tone.

At this, Annabeth starts into another round of laughing fits, before unceremoniously falling out of the canoe.

Gasping and sputtering, she comes to the surface within seconds. Now it's Percy's turn to laugh hysterically.

"You just fell out! Right out of the boat! I don't think I've seen anyone do that before," Percy smiles widely.

"Why are you so smilely when you know you're going to be next?" Annabeth asks as she grabs onto the canoe and rocks it until Percy falls out into the chilly water too.

He bobs back up, hair completely dry.

"No fair!!!" Annabeth laughs, "You get to be dry."

"I can make you dry if you want," Percy smirks as he makes his way over to Annabeth. He touches her cheek and instantly all the water on her gets soaked into his fingers.

"You are going to be so wrinkly when you are older because of all that water in your body," Annabeth says out of no where.

"Well, you'll get to see me all wrinkly cause you're gonna be wrinkly too!" Percy pulls his hand away and Annabeth is once again soaked.

"Perseus Jackson!" she yells.

"Race you to shore!" Percy calls out playfully before disappearing under water.

"You better get back here!" Annabeth says to the surface. She feels something brush her leg and all of her sense go on red alert.

Something circles her, she can feel the current swirl around her. It grabs her legs and pulls her under before she can even scream.

Opening her squeezed shut eyes, she notices that she is in an air bubble, with Percy right next to her. He even has the nerve to smile at her.

"HOW DARE YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT?" She yells at first. Then she bursts out laughing. "I have to admit, that was pretty good Seaweed Brain."

Percy cracks a smile before pulling her into a hug to dry her off. "There, now you're warm."

"Thanks," Annabeth smiles, "I'm hungry. Wanna head in?"

"Sure," Percy agrees. He makes the current bring their bubble and the canoe to shore.

As they emerge, Percy slings his arm over Annabeth's shoulders. They head to the kitchen to grab a snack before dinner and train a little, since they spent the entire day "fishing".


Authors Note:


How are you my little dumplings?

Okay, that was awkward.

But hey, I updated! AND it is technically 11:00pm where I live, so it is before tomorrow. I'm so proud of myself. I don't know why, but I always have more inspiration when it's later at night.

Do any of you feel that way too? Comment and let me know when you are most inspired/creative.


187,960 reads

3,103 votes


HOLY COW!!!! 3k VOTES!!! You guys are amazing! I will get writing so I can please y'all by updating on time.

When summer rolls around, I'll be able to update once a week for sure.

I love you all!!!

Peace out.

- Charolett

(P.S. This one is about 770 words long. I can't believe it. I'm going to try to make each one at least 500 words.)

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