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Short Story #46 - Kisses - Annabeth and Percy


*Dating* *after under water kiss*


"I just don't know any more." Annabeth sighs as she puts her hands over her face. "I mean, I still like him, but he kisses me all the time. I just don't know how to react to it."

"Well, maybe he is just psyched that he is finally dating the girl of his dreams." Katie suggests. "He really does like you."

"Yeah... Maybe I'm just a little uncomfortable about it all because it is new to me." Annabeth contemplated.

"Possibly." Katie responds. "I think that is a very likely answer."

"Alright. I think I'm good for right now. Thanks for being here." Annabeth says as she gets up to continue with her day.


"Grover!" Percy yells as he runs to catch up with his best friend.

"What up man?" Grover asks.

"Nothing much..." Percy drawls as he blushes slightly.

"How's Annabeth?" Grover says with a wide grin.

"Good." Percy responds quickly.

"Okay. Spill." Grover stops walking and pulls Percy into the forest.

Percy sighs before letting everything out, "Okay, so I really like her. A whole dam lot. But, lately she has been getting a distant look in her eyes whenever I kiss her. I mean, underwater she loved it, but now she just seems... I don't ever know man."

"Wow. Okay." Grover thinks about what to say as he taps his chin. "I think that since the whole kissing and dating thing is new to her that she is probably just a little confused and honestly weirded out."

Percy nods in understanding as Grover continues, "Maybe you should bring down the amount of kisses you give her until she kisses you. That way you know she is ready."

"You are a lot smarter than you look." Percy smirks.

"Well, I am twice as old as you, at least." Grover says as he slaps Percy on the back in a brotherly way. "Are you going on the boat dance thing tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I'm taking Annabeth, but I haven't asked her yet..." Percy's smile fades a little, "Better go ask her now!" he calls as he turns away from Grover and runs back towards camp. "Thanks man!"

"Anytime!" Grover calls back. He chuckles as he turns back into the woods to find Juniper.

Percy jogs toward the Athena cabin and knocks on the door. Malcom answers. "Have you seen Annabeth around?" Percy asks.

"She's not here, but I did see her training earlier." Malcom says.

"Thanks." Percy says as he walks away. He goes towards the training arena and sure enough, there she is. He sneaks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. She spins around quickly and hits him. He goes sprawling onto the floor.

"Oh my gods! Sorry Percy! You just surprised me." she says as she goes over to help him up.

"It's fine. I'm fine." Percy says as he takes a mental note not to sneak up on Annabeth when she is training.

"So, what brings you here?" Annabeth questions.

"I have come to ask you to the boat dance thing tomorrow.... So will you go with me?" he says a little bit awkwardly.

"Of course I'll go with you!" Annabeth says as she gives Percy an enormous hug.

"Awesome. I'll pick you up at 7." Percy smiles as he kisses her on the cheek and walks away. Annabeth touches the tingling spot on her cheek and smiles slightly.


Percy bounds up to the Athena cabin with khaki pants and a nice black colored shirt on. He knocks and he hears a couple of squeals as a few of Annabeth's younger sisters open the door giggling.

"She'll be right out." one says.

"She looks amazing tonight! You better be good to her." another warns.

The third one says, "You. Are. Cuuuute."

"But he's mine." he hears Annabeth's voice ring out. The girls squeal and run back to their beds. In doing so, they have revealed a beautiful Annabeth. She is wearing the most amazing blue and green striped dress. (A/N: see picture).

"Shall we go?" Percy asks as he holds out his hand.

"We shall." Annabeth giggles as she takes his hand. They walk towards the beach, where the boat is waiting, hand in hand.

They get on the boat to see that everyone else had already arrived. They all cheer as the boat starts to move.

The dance floor is packed. The Party Ponies did a really good job of picking a good soundtrack.

Annbeth pulls Percy to the dance floor and they start dancing. She puts her arms around his neck and he puts his hands on her waist. He twirls her around so that her feet do not touch the ground. When he sets her down, she looks up into his sea green eyes.

Suddenly, Annabeth crashes her lips to Percy's. He is a bit surprised, but he soon responds. Grover's words ring in his head as he kisses Annabeth like never before. She raises her foot off the ground as she clutched tighter to her boyfriend.

They break apart, breathing heavily. Grover was right. Percy just had to wait until she made a move.

All was good. They are good. Nothing can ruin this.


Not so far away on Mount Olympus, Hera laughs at the foolish demigods thoughts as she gets ready to enact the next step of her plan.


Authors Note:

Oh my gods. I'm sorry guys. My laptop had a freak out  when I publishes this and I was so upset. I hope you like the actual ending!

So, my Blue Cookies...


On another note,


84,843 reads. (HOLY HEPHAESTUS!)

1,465 votes. (ZEUS AL MIGHTY!!)

203 comments. (HAPPY HERMES!!!)

I love all of you so much and I would send each and every one of you a hand written letter if I could.

Please, please, please go check out my original story "The One and Only's Not Mine", I just posted Ch 1.

Peace out.

- Charolett

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