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Short Story #61 - Sunshine - Nico and Will - SOLANGELO


*Dating Secretly*


Will walks up to the black door of the Hades cabin and knocks with the big silver skull knocker. The stars are still out, as the sun hasn't even risen yet.

After about a minute, Will is about o knock again when a very grumpy and disheveled Nico opens the door, sword in hand.

"Who dares disturb the great and powerful Nico?!?!" Nico says dramatically, yet quietly.

"Nico. It's me," Will whispers.

"Oh," Nico puts his sword down. "Why are you here this early?"

"I thought I could take my boyfriend on a date," Will blushes slightly, "Since we are keeping it a secret from most of the camp, I figured it would be nice to go out on a date when no one else will be up."

"There's a reason no one is up at this un-godsly hour, Will. People, including me, like to sleep until the sun is at the highest point in the sky," Nico says.

"Oh come on Nico. Please?" Will pouts and makes puppy eyes.

Nico looks away, knowing that Will's adorable face will make his cave in. "Ugh. Fine. Let me just get a shirt on first," he says as he closes the door.

Seconds later, Nico is opening the door with a black shirt and black skinny jeans on.

Will takes Nico's hand in his and they walk towards the beach.

The first rays of sunshine start to break through the dark blur sky and bounce off the waves, making the whole scene that much more magical.

Stopping to stare at the ocean, they end up bumping into one another and Nico finds himself against Will with his hand tangled in the blonde's hair to keep from falling over.

Will puts his hands around Nico and lowers his face to hover an inch above Nico's.

"I'm going to let you make the first move this time, sunshine," Will whispers.

Nico looks up at Will, studying his features. The way his hair catches the morning sun to create a halo over his angels head, the way his smile lights up the darkest of places, the way his hair lands on his cheekbones, and the way that his eyes twinkle with an emotion not all familiar to Nico.


Pulling Will down, Nico smashes their lips together. The sun warms their faces, the sand tickles their feet, the waves fill the air with a soothing sound.

Shortly after they kiss, Nico looks at the sun, throws his arm over his eyes and runs toward the Hades cabin. Will follows, curious.

Muttering under his breath, Nico curses the sun and its brightness. He already had his own sun, so he didn't need another.

Throwing himself onto his bed, Nico groans out, "Why does the sun have to be so bright?"

"Because it has a job of keeping all the organisms alive in the world," Will states as he walks in.

"Why must the sun burn my snow skin?" Nico says into his pillow, still face-down on his bed.

"Because you have white skin, and you need to where sunscreen so your handsome face doesn't get all red," Will says as he makes his way across the room.

"Why are you so full of knowledge about the sun?" Nico asks grumpily.

"Because I'm the son of the sun," Will says as he sits on the bed next to Nico.

"Why do you like me?' Nico says quietly.

"Because you are my sunshine for my world," Will answers as he lays down next to Nico.

Nico starts humming the tune to You Are My Sunshine as Will plays with his hair.

Will's watch beeps. "Darn. I have to go wake up my cabin and get them all to breakfast," he says.

"Do you have to go?" Nico pouts.

"Yes, I do. But, I will see you at Archery lesson today," Will smiles.

"Of course," Nico says.

"Good. See you soon," Will hugs Nico and stealthily sneaks out the back to his own cabin.

Nico smiles widely and flops back down on his bed, letting out a satisfied sigh.


Authors Note:

Hello my Blue Cookies!!!!


As you know, all updates from now on contain Blood of Olympus spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I so do NOT want to go back to school tomorrow.

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I love you all so much!

Peace out.

- Charolett

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