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Short Story #43 - Dunes - Hazel and Frank


*During the quest*


They just had to stop for a little outside world stimulation. The Argo II lands on the beach and, almost instantly, everyone gets off. It has been so long since anyone felt something other than wood on their feet. The sand feels good between their toes

Hazel walks down the plank to the ground and wanders up into the dunes. She sits down and thinks about all the things that have happened in such a short time. She is so engrossed in her thoughts that she doesn't notice Frank come up behind her.

"Hey." Frank says softly.

Hazel jumps a little. "You startled me." she says.

"Sorry." he smirks.

"So, what's on your mind?" Frank says as he looks at Hazel's tired expression.

"Everything." she sighs. "So much has changed and my life is uncertain. I've had two lives and the first one didn't end so well. What if this one doesn't end well? I want to have a good life."

"Wow. Lots on your mind." Frank comments. "Think of it this way. These dunes are forever changing. The wind takes the sand away from one place and to another. The mounds die and are rebuilt. There is nothing we can do to prevent this from happening, but you can choose who you take with you." He grabs her hand and looks at her reassuringly.

"Thank you." Hazel says softly. "I don't know what I would do without you." She leans foreword and rests her head on Franks shoulder as they both look out at the rolling ocean.

"I'm so lucky to have you." Frank says as he turns his head to look away from the ocean and towards the beautiful girl next to him. Hazel picks her head up to look back at him.

They both lean forward and their lips connect. The wind picks up and the kiss intensifies. The whole world seems to explode with passion as their's build. Fireworks are going off - probably Leo - and the ocean applauds - probably Percy.

A shout from the beach below causes them to break apart. They look down to see Annabeth yelling something at them. Her voice eventually reaches them over the howling wind. "TIME TO GO. WE NEED TO TAKE OFF AGAIN IN ORDER TO STAY ON TRACK!" They just nod and give her a thumbs up to show that they heard and understand.

They walk down the slope of the dunes hand in hand. They board the Argo II and freedom is cut off as the doors are sealed and the quest continues.


Authors Note:

Hello my darling Blue Cookies. How are you doing?

So, school has been in session for about a month now and I am as busy as ever. I am so sorry that this is really short. I just don't have as much time anymore. I go to school and then come home and do homework for at least 3 hours and then I have soccer. I'm just busy

I am also sick right now, so if I happen to miss a day of school, I shall write. But don't count on it.

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You guys are amazing! I love you all.

Peace out.

- Charolett

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