Chapter 11

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Carly came into my ward, happy to see I was awake.

"Sharon, you are awake. How are you feeling now?" She hugged me.

"Okay," I say in a low tone.

"So....who is that guy I saw now? Looks like there's a lot I don't know." Carly asked excitedly. Clearly, she loves studying me.

"No. It's not what you think." I dig my hands into my hair, thinking of a good explanation to make her understand.

"You don't need to pretend Sharon. What's there to hide? You have a boyfriend." She winks at me.

"I don't. I'm serious. Stephen is not my boyfriend." I say in a serious tone. Does she basically mean, any boy who cares about me is my boyfriend? I scoff at the thought of Stephen even being what she pictured. That can never happen.

"Hmm...liar. He's handsome anyways. You have a good taste," She pats me on my hands, giving a nod.

"Have you guys had anything together. At least kissed." Carly goes into further study. Can't she just let go of this discussion and talk about another? I was taken away with a smile as I recall our last kiss. I feel mesmerized. Carly caught me smiling. I didn't even realize quickly that my cheeks were burning red.

"Hmm...I knew you have a soft spot. You don't know how to lie to me. Gist me, Sharon. Have you know." She asks excitedly. There's no way I could deny something wasn't going on between Stephen and me now. It was quite evident.

"No! I'm not that cheap. I said no to him. He has asked me out a lot." I sounded like a baby.

"So...what's stopping you from saying yes?" Carly wondered.

"His ex-girlfriend," I state.

"How is that stopping you?"

"She's like a friend to me," I say. I don't want anything bad to happen between Patricia and me in the nearer future.

"Is it Patricia you are talking about?" Carly recalls when Patricia and I were friends in elementary but we weren't that close. Patricia didn't like to relate much.


"Oh please. You guys don't even talk like that."

"But still...."

"But what? You like him don't you?" My sister speaks selfishly.


"So what are you waiting for. They are not dating." She reminds me.

"But she still wants to get back with him." I convince her.

"It's your choice. did this happen to you?" Carly realized her convincing me wasn't going to work so she let it go.

"Long story."

"Tell me." Carly wanted to know everything.

I narrated everything to her in a few minutes while she pays full attention like watching a movie.

"This guy likes you believe me."

"Who likes who?" Our mom heard our last conversation as she came in.

"It's nothing," Carly said, trying to take her mind off it.

"Mom, I'm getting sick of staying here. I want to go home." I pleaded with my mom. I couldn't spend one night here. It would be really scary being alone.

"But you just recovered." My mom says.

"I'm okay, really," I assured her.

"You're sure?" She asks again.

I responded with a nod.

"Let me inform the doctor then." She left and came back a few minutes later telling me I was discharged. I was so happy to leave the hospital.

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