Chapter 13

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"It's morning Sharon! I didn't really want to wake you up but I think I need you right now." I hear Carly's voice so loud in my ears. That gave a scare a little. I rubbed my eyelids tiredly, still wishing I could go back to bed but I couldn't miss school.

"What's the time now? I asked.

"8:30 am"

"What?! And you didn't wake me up". I stood up from the bed quickly, stripping off my pajamas. I was going to take a quick shower. I had to use my crutches, which delayed me a little.

"Wait, wake you up for what?" Carly wondered what could have been so important.

"School of course."

"Are you serious? You want to go to school?" She sounded surprised. Of course, I had to go to school. I had some things to settle.


"But you aren't feeling okay yet." She was bothered because I would have to take my crutches along.

"I have some things I need to clear. Plus, I miss my friends." I took my towel and entered the bathroom.

"What kind of a sister do I have?" She selects the clothing she will wear today.

I came out quickly and dried my hair.

"Which clothe do you think I should wear for my date?" She showed me two dresses. She was unsure of the dress she should pick.

"What date?" I asked as I dressed up. I don't remember her telling me.

"My date with Kyle remember?" She tries to make me recall.

"Oh! Cutie kyle. Wear blue. It looks good on you." It was a short plain dress but it was good.

"If you say so." She puts the other dress back into her closet.

I pick up my bag and left for school. I  breathe in deeply before entering my class. Today was going to be a long day.

"So how is Sharon?" Stiles asked Stephen. "Is she coming today? "

"I don't know but I pray so," Stephen says with a tone of excitement.

"Is something going on that I don't know?" Stiles wonders at his sudden change.

"Well....." Stephen got distracted the moment he saw me walk in.

"Sharon! You came." Bella and Helen rushed to meet me. I noticed Stephen looked happy to see me.  Why wouldn't he be?

"We thought you wouldn't come. How are you?" Bella asked, feeling concerned.

"I'm okay." I sat down.

"Am happy you came Sharon." Stephen sat not too far from me. I didn't quickly notice he was there.

"Does your leg still hurt?"

"Why would I be using crutches?" I say.

"Are you uncomfortable with me after your confession?" Stephen couldn't wait for me to give the news.

"Ugh... I said it was a mistake!" I left the class. I don't want to argue with him. He might tell Bella everything.

"Sharon." I heard someone call my name. I actually thought at first that it was Stephen but that wasn't even close to his voice. I turn back only to see the one person I had never expected. Patricia came to school today. I try to give a smile as she walked towards me.

"How could you?" She felt so disappointed and angry.

"Of all people, you. I trusted you. I can't even imagine you secretly dating my boyfriend."

I was out of words. I didn't know what to say. I knew this would still happen but I wasn't expecting it now.

"You don't understand." I finally said.

"Understand? Lie! Lie! Lie to me that you don't have feelings for him. Lie!" Patricia questions me, holding me by the shirt.

"I......don't." I deny.

"Liar! You boyfriend snatcher." She slaps me and pushes me to the floor.
I groan in pain as my legs hurt from falling. Stephen quickly pulled me up, disgusted at Patricia's behavior.

"Patrica, what do you think you are doing?" He rages.

"What? She stole you from me." She said with no feeling of remorse.

"What are you talking about? You broke up with me." Stephen reminds her

"Stephen, you know I love you. I didn't break up with you intentionally. You were cheating on me. I saw Mara with you. I was jealous. Please give me another chance." Patricia pleads.

"Patrica, it's over. I don't love you anymore." He stated clearly.

"Don't tell me that!" Patricia's tone changes into a rage.

"It's true. I love Sharon."

"No! No! Shut up!" She tries to fight back her tears. She wouldn't take his rejection.

"I love her." He repeats.

"Even if you love her, you will eventually end up with me."

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