Make that...three.

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Bryn’s POV –

One hour left on the clock.

 One hour until I had to start this assignment. I was anxious, excitement running through my veins; it’s been at least a week since my last kill.

I was already dressed as well. Wearing all black. Black tights, black combat boots, black tank top, black belt which would hold more bullets for my rifle. My hairloose over my shoulders. I had a mask set next to my rifle on the table.

I didn’t see the point in the mask since I’d be killing everyone before they can realize who I am.

I inwardly smiled to myself, I’m such a badass.

Derek walked into the dining room holding a small case of bullets, setting it on the table and taking a seat.  He pushed the container over to me.

“That should be enough for tonight.” Derek said, clearing his throat.

I poured the bullets out, placing them into the pockets strapped onto my belt.

“Are you taking the mask with you?” Derek asked, his eyes maneuvering over to the mask.

“I don’t want to but it might come in handy. I don’t see the point if I’m going to be murdering everyone in that house tonight. No one will live long enough to even say my name.” I retorted, grabbing the roll of paper towels place in the center of the table and ripping a piece, using it to wipe the rifle clean.

“Jake is known for having surveillance camera’s hidden in his house. I think it’s a good idea to take it just in case. It’s only a rumor, I doubt Jake would spend money on camera’s but you never know.” Derek urged, taking the mask in his hands.

I looked over at him, “I’ll take it just in case.” I say nonchalantly, turning my attention back to my gun and continuing to wipe it down.

Blissity walked into the dining room from the kitchen, a bowl of cereal in her hands. She sat down at the table, looking at the gun in my hands.

“Wow.” Blissity said, a gust of air escaping her lips as she spooned her cereal shoving a mouth full in her mouth.

I looked at Blissity, “What?”

Blissity shook her head, spooning her cereal. “Nothing, just happy we’re sisters. Wouldn’t wanna get on your bad side, especially with that in your hands.”

I chuckle, “Who says I wouldn’t still shoot you even if we’re related?” I raised an eyebrow, my voice sarcastic and playful.

Blissity batted her eyelashes at me, “How could you shoot a pretty face like this?”

I grimaced, “Gross.”

Blissity laughed and continued eating her cereal. I brought my attention once again back to my rifle, placing the paper towel on the table and standing up. I grabbed the mask as well.

“I should leave now I guess; you said Jake lived on the other side of town…That’s a long drive.” I sigh, exiting the dining room and grabbing the keys on the living room table.

I heard footsteps from behind, “Speaking of that.” Derek said.

I turned around to see Derek fumbling in his pocket for something. He pulled out a small scrap of paper and handed it to me. “The address.”

I nodded, taking the paper, crumbling it in my hands as I turned around to grab the doorknob. I opened the door, jogging off the porch and walking over to my car.

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