All I could do now was wait...

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Bryn’s POV –

It was almost as if my voice gave up and disappeared. It was like the time at the field where I was so close to saying ‘I love you’ but I just couldn’t find a way to spill it.

As if my voice wanted me to hold on to what I didn’t want to grasp anymore.

My eyes open and I look at Jason who was waiting patiently for me to finish my sentence.

I stare into his brown eyes and think back on the times we’ve spent together. I don’t want that to end so soon. Yes, I do feel guilty and I’ll continue to feel guilty as I move forward from today but at this point I’ve come to a decision.

The truth can be held off for another more convenient time.

“I’m not avoiding you...I just didn’t want you to get involved in this mess. I thought I could handle it on my own.” I say with a small shrug.

“That clearly wasn’t the case now was it? You don’t understand how worried I was.” Jason retorts, his eyes soft even if his words came out harshly.

“I’m sorry...” I touch his cheek. “I didn’t know it’d be like this.”

“Let’s talk about this when we’re safe. Right now we have to leave.” Jason nods his head, looking at the door to our escape.

I nod my head, letting my hand fall from his face and back to chest.

Jason cringes from the pain in his stomach and I hold onto him. His hand grips on my shoulder and he begin walking out of the room, I was dizzy from all the fighting I’ve been doing. Jason stumbles as we walk and he uses the support from the wall to catch his breath.

“We won’t make it like this.” I say to him, touching his face.

Jason smiles at me weakly, “We will.”

I grip Jason’s shirt, the pain in my head never seemed to give me a break. By now I can actually feel the blood dripping down my back; I had minutes left on my clock. We walk down the hall, both looking in opposite directions to keep an eye out for one another. My legs were shaking and I began to feel weak.

“Jason...” I mutter, my eyelids dropping down, making it hard to decipher what direction I was aiming for.

“Stay awake for me baby, just a little longer.” Jason encourages me, rubbing my shoulder.

I nod my head as we make a left on the wall. There’s an explosion right behind us and the blow forces us to crash onto the floor. Jason slowly pushes himself off the ground and looks back to see what caused the explosion. People were throwing grenades to try and kill us.

“Get up.” Jason says to me, sitting up quickly.

By now, I was too weak to even blink. I slowly roll on my back, trying to breathe but it’s like air was being sucked out of my lungs.

“Jane come on.” Jason says, looking at me nervously. He lies his head on my chest, listening to my heart beat which was beating so quickly I knew my entire body was about to shut down.

Jason grabs my arm and pulls me up, my hands grip onto his arms. This was really it for me, I can feel it as Jason pulls me to walk and I can barely take to steps without having to stop because I was in so much pain.

Jason puts his arm under my legs and lifts me up, carrying me down the hall. I was having a hard time breathing and the building was beginning to take up the scent of smoke from all the explosions.

“I can’t breathe...” I mumble, coughing.

“Stay calm. I’m trying to get us out.” Jason replies and he looks at me. “Don’t die on me.”

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