I thought you'd never show up.

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Jason’s POV --

If she’d let me, I’d take her away from here. We’d escape this nightmare without leaving a trace behind us. It’s what she wants yet she can’t bring herself to go through with it. 

You can hear the pain in her voice which she hides behind a smile. I won’t be fooled by the pain, I know what she feels no matter how hard she tries to cover it up, like a bruise you’d cover up with make-up. Or with a smile.

The new day was just beginning. I had driven Bryn home, buying her a new bouquet of roses on the way. I let her know that I’d see her later and that I’d be with Chris for most of the day. After that I drive off and just when I thought I could relax and think about setting up some shit in my house, I get a call.

As I look over the name beaming on the screen of my phone, the only thing running through my mind is the want to rewind time and go back to last night with Bryn. When it was just us two, lying on my couch in the darkness and whispering to each other. We feared that by talking too loud, everyone would hear us, even though no one was around. But that’s the thing about keeping our secrets as low as a whisper so that not even the wind could hear a word.

I slide my thumb over the screen and with a low sigh of annoyance, I bring the phone up to my ear. I remain in my car, outside of my house with my arm propped beside the window of the driver’s seat. I cock my head and stare at my house, Chris’ car parked just in front of mine and he was setting up a few things already. Damien was here as well, opening up the back of the truck, parked in my driveway, to get a view of all the things we’d have to work on tonight.

“Victoria...” I breathe, shutting my eyes and resting my head against the seat of the car.

“You didn’t show.” Is all she says, anger dripping at the ends of her words. “Should I guess why?”

“Why guess when it’s pretty obvious?” I retort bitterly. “Can you just get to the point?”

“Jason, don’t get the wrong idea here.” She says in a sweet tone even though it was obvious she wasn’t in a good mood. “I’m not trying to start an argument.”

“I’m not understanding your point in calling me then.” I look out the window and see Chris waving for me to come out of the car. I raise a finger for him to wait a moment and he nods then jogs  back into the house. “I have to go.”

“Are you with her?” She asks, probably forcing herself to smile to keep from yelling like a complete nut case.

“No, I was yesterday.”

“Will you be with her today?”

“Most likely.” I look out the window, fingers brushing over the door handle “Look, I really have to go.”

“Come see me today. We can finish what were started.” She says, giggling shortly.

“Sure.” I say, shaking my head and pulling the phone away from my ear. 

I hang up afterwards and shove the phone into my back pocket. Victoria’s voice was already working my nerves and I didn’t need her constant ‘seduction’ ringing in the back of my mind while I was hanging with my friends.

I step out of the car, slamming the door shut right after. As I’m walking up to the front steps of the house Damien makes his way out of the front door.

“Bryn?” He asks with a sly grin on his face.

I smirk at him but merely shake my head, “Nah, Victoria.”

“Oh.” Damien grimaces and turns around to head back into the house, “What did she want?”

“Just complained about me not seeing her yesterday, not that I care.” I reply, slowly walking into the house.

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