I'll do whatever it fucking takes to keep you safe....

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Bryn’s POV –

I’m guessing this was the end for me. To die by the hands of an old friend. What a way to exit this world...I feared leaving alone but now I might as well embrace it.

I stare at Julian, eyes steady. I don’t let him spot a trace of fear; in all honesty I wasn’t scared. Sure, he has a gun in his hand but I’m not your average girl. It takes a lot more than a gun to scare me.

The door locks behind Julian and he steps closer to me. I ball my hands into fists, preparing myself for a blow to probably my forehead, the same way I killed Ashley.

“Didn’t think it’d ever come down to this.” Julian shakes his head, gripping onto his gun. “Two old friends and a rifle.”

“You didn’t take heed of my advice, someone had to pay.” I reply with a simple shrug.

“You can’t fight fire with fire, you’ll get burned Bryn.” Julian glares at me.

“Then what are you doing right now? It seems like you’re only adding fuel to this fire. You know Jason will murder everyone if you kill me, he’ll blow up the entire building with you inside it.”

“I’m extinguishing this fire once and for all.” Julian cocks the gun in his hand.

I stare at his gun, understanding that I won’t be able to win with only my bare fists. I look up at him and straighten up; if I die now at least I know didn’t back down like a coward.

“Shoot me Julian.” I hiss, “If you have the balls.”

Julian aims the gun at me, finger on the trigger. I stand ready for him to pull the trigger. I was afraid on the inside now, whoever says they don’t fear death is lying because death is a scary thought.

“Don’t kill her. Remember the plan.” I hear a voice from behind the door.

Julian groans, bringing the gun down. He looks at me and turns around, pushing the door open. Julian gestures with his gun for me to follow him and I’m hesitant for a moment.

“Move now or I’ll kill you.” He threatens.

I begin walking out of the room, Julian hits the back of my head with the gun and I fall on my knees, holding the back of my head with my hands. I open my eyes, trying to get my vision straight. I strain in agony, slowly looking up.

I see Victoria looking down on me. She brings her foot back and kicks my face. I scream, tasting blood in my gums. I fall on my side, grabbing my cheeks. Victoria grabs onto my hair and lifts me up; I stare at her angrily.

Before I can do any damage to her, Julian grabs my arms and pulls me down a bright hall. I no longer see mirrors and I look around for something that can be used to my advantage. Of course I find nothing. I’m thrown down, landing my on my knees. I look up and see Jeff holding a knife in his hands.

“Stand up.” He orders me, playing with the knife in his hands.

I obey him, standing up and looking up at him. Victoria moves to grab me and I turn my head giving her my hardest and most deathly stare. I bring my thumb up and wipe my bottom lip, cleaning up the blood on my mouth and she steps back.

I drop my gaze on Jeff.

“You know...” Jeff starts, pacing around me. I ball my hands into shaky fists, holding myself back from punching him in the face. “I didn’t think you were this dumb to fall for a trap so unorganized. I thought this all up last minute.”

“I can tell, using a bitch like her to hold me back.” I spat at Victoria, glaring at her.

“Ah, so you know my daughter Victoria?” Jeff walks over to her and she smiles at him.

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