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Julian’s POV –

I pushed the end call button, tossing my phone to the side and looking up at myself in the mirror of the bathroom. My left eye changed to the color of a plum, I brought my hand up, touching it. The swelling was taking place.

I turned my head to the right, noticing a cut on my cheek bone, dry blood staining it. I hawked up the saliva building in my mouth, spitting it out into the sink below me.


I banged my fist against the counter in aggravation. I couldn’t believe I let Jason get away with what he did. I press the balls of my hands tightly against my temples, squeezing my eyes shut and gritting my teeth all at once.

There was a knock at the bathroom door. I groaned, placing my hands in on the counter and staring at myself darkly in the mirror.

“It’s open.” I say my voice cold and emotionless.

The door opened, I saw Ashley’s blond hair appear from the behind the door, she stepped inside, holding a towel in her hands.

“What happened?” Ashley asks, walking besides me and placing the towel on the counter.

She turned to face me, her hip leaning against the counter; she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

I turned on the water faucet, cupping my hands under the running water. I bring a handful up to my mouth, gargling it before spitting out what seemed to be just a mouthful of blood into the sink.

“I let her know,” I begin to say, turning off the faucet and walking over to the shower. “I let her know that she doesn’t have long before the truth is out.”

Ashley walked over to me, placing a hand on my back, the other on my shoulder.

“We’ll make them pay.” Ashley whispered into my ear, a smile taking full control of her lips.

I nodded, turning my head to look at her; I brushed her blonde hair away from her face. Tucking it behind her ear. She smiled softly, leaning her head against my hand.

“Soon.” I replied.

Jason’s POV –

I punched the wall of the living room, frustration getting the best of me. I pound my fist against it once more before giving it a kick out of anger. The wall now had over several more dents from past acts of me taking out my frustration.

I pushed myself away from the wall and walked around the chair, taking a seat, my fist shaking wanting to give the wall another dent.

“OK, what the fuck happened?” Damien said as soon as we were all settled in the living room.

I pursed my lips into a straight line after licking them. I sat in the arm chair across from Damien. I looked down at my knuckles; blood stained them, followed by bruises.

Megan was holding Damien’s hand, her eyebrows pulling together in desperation. She turned her head to face Chris who was sitting with his elbows propped on his knees, his hands folded together and pressing against his forehead.

“I don’t even know.” I finally speak up, running both my hands through my hair roughly.

“I’ll tell you what happened.” Chris spoke up, bringing his fists down to his mouth. “We were set up.”

Megan let go of Damien hands, turning her body fully to face Chris, “What? That doesn’t make any sense.”

“How could it be a set up?” I asked, raising an eyebrow in his direction.

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