Baby don't do this...

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Bryn’s POV –

“I’m sorry if talking about Jason annoys you....” I mumble to Blissity as we relax in the mud bath.

My head propped on a small cushion, eyes closed with two kiwis’ covering them to keep a cool sensation over my irises. Blissity was across from me, probably in the exact same position as me.

The heat from the mud bath was soothing my entire body. I felt pure and brand new, the pain in my stomach seemed to be no more and my thighs felt as if they were never abused or tortured. I felt at peace with my own body, but this moment would be so much better if Jason was next to me.

“No it’s fine, finally you’re not bragging about missions like you used to. I always wanted to talk about boys with you.” Blissity says.

“I would have never talked about boys but I don’t know...Jason is different.” I smile to myself.

“Are you already in love with him?” Blissity asks.

I shake my head slowly, “No...Well I don’t think I am. It’s too soon for love don’t you think?”

“Maybe you’re falling in love?”

“I don’t know what that’s like.” I laugh. “But if it describes how I feel about Jason then maybe you’re right.”

“I think I need a boyfriend now, you’re making me jealous.” Blissity whines.

We both laugh together and sigh at the same time. Our hour was up in the mud bath and the spa workers removed the kiwis’ from our eyes and handed us a towel. Blissity and I grimace once the mud touches the white fabric and we hurry over to the showers. Of course not the same shower.

“Are you picking Tatti up?” Blissity asks, turning off the water and grabbing a clean towel to dry herself.

I turn off the water and follow suit. We squeeze our hair dry at the same time and walk over to our booth where our clothes were sitting waiting for us. I start putting on my clothes after folding the towel and hanging it

“Yea, tomorrow when she calls me.” I nod my head, slipping on my shoes.

Blissity puts on her sandals and we begin exiting the Spa center. She pokes my shoulders.

“You’re soft oh my god. This really works.” Her mouth drops as she grabs my arm in her hand.

I poke her face, “You’re still annoying oh my god it doesn’t work.”

She rolls her eyes at me and I laugh as we walk over to my car. I unlock the doors and we both step inside. I turn on the ignition, drumming my fingers against the steering wheel, Blissity starts singing a song that goes along with the beat of my fingers. As I drive home we both laugh and talk about random things.

I guess you could say, sister things? I don’t know but I was happy to have spent all day with Blissity. I’m definitely doing this again sometime.....sometime soon of course.

Nothing was wrong about today. Nothing was wrong about yesterday. I inwardly smile to myself as I continue tapping the steering wheel. I’d see Jason tomorrow while in the process of getting Tattiana. He’ll probably be hung over but it’s OK as long as I get to see him.

Everything right now was just great for me.

“When the three weeks are up what are your plans?” Blissity says after she stops singing.

“I don’t know.” I shrug, “Wait for the surprise I guess.”

“Expect the unexpected I guess.” Blissity chuckles, looking out the window.

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