You are so beautiful baby...

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Bryn’s POV –

I wish the side effects would have kicked in at a better time. By that I mean, when the weather wasn’t humid which made me much hotter than I already was. The rain and thunder had finally sub sided and the sun was beaming down on California once again.

I lay awake, Jason fast asleep on my chest. In the middle of the night I removed my shirt because of the heat I was feeling. Right now, I stare up at the ceiling, I was so hot. I needed a shower to cool me down. Jason was holding me tightly, occasionally he’d move. He would run his hand through his hair, touch my stomach, yawn, sigh, and even smile.

It was fun to watch but I was just hoping he’d wake up. I don’t know if he’ll be leaving but if he decides to stay I have to think of a way to get Blissity out of the house for a while.

Carefully, I push Jason off of me until he lies flat on the bed. I quietly get out of bed, turning to look at him to make sure he didn’t wake up. He stirs, eyebrows pulling together as if he were on the verge of awakening. I lean down and kiss his cheek, touching his hair.

His face lightens up and he remains asleep. I smile to myself at how adorable he was and slowly exit my room. I throw my hair behind my head, fanning myself to stay cool. I walk down the hall, opposite of where the staircase would be and softly knock on Zoey’s room door.

I hear movement and wait until someone comes to the door and opens it. It was Blissity; she stares at me with sleepy eyes, holding the door open.

“What?” Blissity says in a sleepy voice.

I see Zoey turn over on the bed, stuffing her face into her pillow. They had an air conditioner in their room and right now I wouldn’t mine taking it and putting it in mine. I usually never need one but I felt like I was on fire right now but I know it’ll go away soon.

“Are you going out today?” I ask her.

She shrugs, too tired to think straight.

I groan, “Bliss, I don’t know how long Jason will be here so can you make plans to go out for the day? How about you go out with that boy you met? I still have to meet him, but not today.”

Blissity considers, “He did ask to hang out today. Fine I’ll call him and let you know when I’m leaving. Go get me an outfit and keep Jason in the room until I leave...but for now I’m going back to sleep for another hour.”

I nod my head and Blissity slowly shuts the door. I drag my feet on the floor; on the brightside I wasn’t hot anymore. I walk into my room, slowly shutting the door behind me and locking it. I look at my bed and Jason was facing the opposite direction of me.

I walk over to my closet and search for something to wear. I was going to take a quick shower; I didn’t need a major outfit though. I wasn’t planning on leaving the house today. I settle with some sweatpants and a loose top before grabbing my towel and checking on Jason.

Still sound asleep. I quietly open the door and walk out of the room.


Today was probably just going to be an ordinary day. I haven’t had one of those in a while so it was good to be able to relax at home without worrying if someone were planning to murder me. Not only was it great to finally be able to relax, but since Jason was here we can actually just stay home together. Maybe watch a movie or two, play video games, all that jazz.

All that cute couple jazz. I haven’t been in a serious relationship for a while so being with Jason all day is kind of nerve racking, hopefully I don’t mess anything up. God, I’m so insecure.

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