What's done is done...

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Bryn’s POV --

If running away without Jason is truly what’s best for me, why does it hurt to think about it? To think about no longer waking up to the sound of his soft breathing. Or to be able to turn over and see his angelic features.

Maybe things that sound the worst just happen to be the best. I’ll have Blissity to accompany me but how will she feel about having to leave Drew? He sure as hell can’t come along, for the same reasons Jason can’t. But besides that, how will I bring this up to Jason without starting an argument?

I stop at the corner of the street, fixing my sunglasses for a second. So many thoughts were roaming through my mind and right now I was meeting up with Jason. He’ll suspect something is wrong the minute he lays eyes on me and that’ll just lead straight to the topic of us having to go our separate ways.

My eyes begin to water with just the thought of leaving him for good.

Jason’s POV --

Thanks to Chris I can’t stop thinking. Normal thinking transformed into overthinking and once I’m in this state of thoughts it’s almost impossible to get out of it.

Even all the commotion going on in this part of Valencia wasn’t loud enough to drown out my thoughts. It’s like, the louder everyone would laugh and speak to each other, the louder my thoughts became. It was giving me a headache all by itself.

I pass by a few stores. Many of them selling clothes for half price, I guess today was a big sales day or something. Almost every store had their merchandiseset outside for wandering eyes to stop and see if they’d like to purchase anything. 

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I waste no time digging for it. I glance at the screen and see a text from Bryn. She says she’s waiting by the Thrift Shop just a block away and knowing her she’ll probably go inside to get a few things she likes. I thumb back a quick reply and decide to stop by a flower shop to get her something. I did buy her roses not too long ago but a girl can never have too many roses and besides, I know how happy it’ll make her.

And maybe seeing her happy will take my mind off of the fact that neither of us will be happy forever.

I buy a single rose and leave a tip for the cashier because I didn’t feel like waiting for my change. I walk out of the store now and start towards where Bryn should be. Across the street I see a Starbucks and beside it I see a petshop. Outside the petshop sat a cage which displayed up to ten puppies which were being giving away for half their normal price. To the left of the cage sat another but this one was filled with kittens and each cage after that one was filled with a different kind of domestic animal. 

I bring my attention back to face directly ahead of me. I see a thrift shop and finally spot Bryn staring at a few outfits she seemed interested in. Casually, I walk towards her and she doesn’t pay any mind, she was too focused on the rhinestone pattern spiraling across the crop top in her hands. 

I walk up from behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She jumps up, dropping the shirt onto the ground and her body stiffens in my arms.. When she realizes that it’s only me I chuckle and raise my hand, lifting up the rose for her to see.

“I missed you gorgeous.” I say, kissing the back of her neck.

She takes the rose and turns around to get a better look at me, her body finally relaxing. “I missed you too.”

“Are you going to buy that shirt?” I ask, caressing the small of her back softly.

She shakes her head, eyes fixed on the rose petals, “No I didn’t like all the glimmer. Thank you for the rose.”

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