Chapter 7- A Past Unforgotten

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Chapter 7- A Past Unforgotten

So, turns out Rick and Shane found someone with another group. That would be fine and all, if this guy didn't look and sound like he was going to kill us.

At this point, Daryl was trying to get information out of him. Anyway he could.

Rick had me tag along, telling me to keep an eye on Daryl to make sure he didn't go too far or see if I could catch something he wouldn't.

"How many in your group?" Daryl asked, making the kid shake his head with tears rolling down his cheek. Daryl hit him again, "How many?"

"30, about 30."

"Where?" I asked, my arms crossed around my chest.

The kid looked at me, "I don't know, I swear. They left me behind," The kid said quickly with panic in his voice, looking between Daryl and me.

I knelt down in front of the kid, a smile on my face, "We believe ya, but we just got to know about the weapons."

The boy looked at me, horror in his face. Daryl kicked the kid, making him sing like a bird. "Heavy stuff, automatics. But I didn't do anything."

Daryl grabbed the boy, pulling him close, "Your boys shot at my boys, tried to take this farm. You just went along for the ride? You're trying to tell me you're innocent?"

The boy shook his head, making me stand, "Yes! These people took me in. Not just guys, a whole group of 'em. Men and women, kids too. Just like you people. Thought I'd have a better chance with them, you know? But, one day, we go out, scavenge, just the men, and we find this little campsite. A man and his two daughters, teenagers, you know? Real young. Real cute. Their daddy had to watch while these guys.."

The boy stopped, as if recalling the memory. As he spoke I could feel my insides tighten and my body shake. Not with anger, but fear as the memories crossed my mind.

"And they didn't even kill him afterwards. They just, made him watch as his daughters..." he trailed off again, my body shake even more. I took a step back, hoping Daryl nor the kid would see.

"But, but I didn't touch those girls. I swear I didn't," The boy carried on, only pushing my fears and memories closer to the core. I couldn't take it anymore and quickly walked out of the barn and into the fresh air.

The breeze washed over my body, seeming to stop the shaking and relax myself. A few minutes later passed before Daryl walked out, his crossbow on his shoulder. "Ya alright?"

"Yeah, just hearing that, it doesn't sit right with me that's all," I said, looking at Daryl who gave me a look of concern and confusion. "Come on, let's go tell the others," I said, patting him on the shoulder to reassure him I was okay.

Rick and the group gathered around, listening to what Daryl and I had to say. "Boy there's got a gang, 30 men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women, they're gonna wish they were," Daryl spoke.

Rick looked at me, noticing my uncomfortable stance. "Alright, no one goes near this guy."

"Rick, what are you gonna do?" Lori asked, worried of the answer that he was going to give.

With a sigh, Rick said to the group, "We have no choice. He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat. I'll do it today," with that he walked off with a concerned Dale to chase after him.

I sighed and walked over to my tree, it now holding a little tent. The tree was still a bit farther from the group which was nice considering I wasn't much of a people person right now.

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