Chapter 8- Kiss, Die, Mourn

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Chapter 8- Kiss, Die, Mourn

I leaned against my tree, sharpening the knife that Daryl gave me. It didn't really need to be sharpened but I needed to do something to pass the time.

Rick, Shane, and Daryl are supposed to take the kid to shoot him tonight, which meant we all had more time for our minds to wonder. The sound of light footsteps walking over to me made me point my knife out at the person or thing.


He stopped and put his hands up, "Jesus, one of these days your gonna kill me."

I smiled and responded with, "Na, you wouldn't let me," before going back to sharpening my knife.

"What you said back there," Daryl said, leaned against the tree, making me look at him and stop my actions. "Was it true?"

Part of me wondered which part he meant, but deep down I knew he meant the other group. A small pause happened before I sat my knife in my side holder. "Yeah, but I don't like to talk about it if I don't have too."

Daryl nodded, "Fair enough."

With that he started to walk away, as if talking about it was the only reason he would stay. "Daryl, wait," I said, making him stop and turn to look at me. "Everyone tells me that you usually keep to yourself, that you like doing things alone. Yet, every time I go out somewhere you want to come. And every time you go somewhere, you want me to come. Why?"

Daryl was silent, his face unreadable which scared me. My gut told me to breath, letting me know everything was okay. My gut got me this far.

His head looked around slowly, looking as if he was admiring the view. What sounded like a curse word under his breath slipped out before he quickly walked over to me. His hands were on either side of my face, but his lips. His lips were on mine.

The feeling of complete, of freedom, of happiness filled my whole body, breaking my walls down that held us apart. Any secret he wanted to know, I'd tell him. Any fight he wanted to charge forth in, I'd help him. Anything, would be my anything.

We both pulled away slowly, both of us breathing heavy by the surprise kiss. I couldn't help the words that left my mouth, no matter how bad I tried to stop them.

"It's about dame time."

Daryl scuffed at me, but a hidden smile was on his face, agreeing with me. "I got to go," Daryl said, taking a step back from me.

I nodded, "I know."

Daryl, looking hesitant about leaving, paused for a moment before grabbing his crossbow and walking away. His kiss still hung on my lips. I was expecting his lips to be dry and rough, but they weren't. Or at least to me they weren't.

I turned around, frozen in my spot when I saw Maggie standing there with a smirk on her face. She had seen, she was happy she had seen, she was probable jumping up and down on the inside at what she had just seen.

"Don't say a word," I said to her before slipping into my make shift tent.

When nightfall came, I sat outside with everyone else, watching as Rick returned unarmed. "I couldn't do it," He whispered to Lori who sat right next to me. My eyes looked around for Daryl, but no man was around.

Rick looked at me, making me eyes settle on him. "Daryl's with him, it's over right now."

I don't know how he knew that my mind was wondering about Daryl, but either way I was happy he told me. Did everyone see us kiss?

Carl came over to me, handing me my knife back. "Didn't stab your eye out did ya?" I asked, looking at his eyes. He smiled at me and shook his head before sitting on the ground between his mom and me.

Lori looked at me with a smile as I sat the knife in my side once again. Suddenly the sound of a man screaming made us all jump to our feet. Rick grabbed his gun, nodding for a few men to follow him.

Quickly, Lori looked at me, "Can you take Carl into the house, please."

I wanted to be over there, but knew that someone had to protect Carl. I nodded, grabbing Carl, my gun, and heading inside. The worst part was the wait, the wait for some kind of news.

I knew it wasn't Daryl, it didn't sound like him.

Then the sound of a gunshot went off, making everyone inside jump a little. After about five minutes, I slowly opened the door, going onto the porch. Daryl was walking back, blood on his hands as he headed towards the house.

I ran off the porch, towards him, stopping just a few inches from him, making him stop as well. "Who?" I asked, my mind running through the list of people.

"Dale," Daryl said with no expression on his face, but I saw his true face, hidden in between the cracks.

My heart broke at the sound of it. He was nothing but good to me, reminding me of my grandparents at times. Now he was gone, just like the rest of my family. I wanted to cry but it was like there were no tears left to shed.

Daryl walked up to me, wrapping one around me as he held me in a hug. I didn't realize I was shaking until his arms steadied me. "It's okay," He said in a whisper, letting me be the only one that heard him.

When I saw Rick and Glenn carrying a body, I had to pull away from Daryl and walk away. I didn't want to see anymore dead bodies. I was sick of it.

Everyone seemed to sleep silent that night, the only sound heard was the small sobs of everyone. I laid in my make shift tent, my eyes wide open as I starred at nothing.

His voice begging people to side with him on the boy's death played in my ears. The look of a shocked smile filled my eyes, and the feeling of his hand on my shoulder as he said, "You tried," filled my body.

I missed him.

We missed him.

He was our rope that helped tie us together, now we are just drifting away into the abyss.

My mind wondered to what Daryl was thinking and doing. It was the middle of the night so probable just sleeping, but my gut told me to check on him.

I slipped out of my tent, hugging my jean jacket close to me as I walked over to his spot which was farther from the group then mine. I expected him to be laying in his tent, but instead I found him sitting outside it, starring into his own make shift fire and twirling an arrow in his hands.

"Can't sleep," Daryl asked, his eyes still set on the fire.

"Never could," I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. I stopped next to him, looking down at the fire. But when his eyes moved to looked at me, my eyes fixed on him as well.

"I never knew I'd get so close to this group," I said, my eyes fixing back on the fire as I continued to stand, crossing my arms around my chest. "But here I am, upset over a man's death."

Daryl was silent. It was strange how I could read Daryl like a book yet everyone else had no idea what he was thinking.

I walked over to him, sitting down next to him, cross legged, and starring into the fire once again. I paused before lying my head on his shoulder, both of us getting lost in the fire that consumed our minds.

They kissed! But Dale died :(

I know this chapter is short but I wanted to get one up before I left for work. Please don't forget to let me know what you think. By the way, what do you think of the new cover? I personally love it. I'm trying to match Daryl from the show as close as I can in this book with his actions and words. Am I doing okay?

Let me know :)

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