Chapter 62- Daddy's Back

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I ran my hands through my hair for the millionths time, only rising my head when I heard the door open. Rick revealed himself, walking over to me as he watched me closely, me doing the same.

"Did you know?"

"Harlan told me, when you were out," Rick said, still speaking cautiously which only irritated me. I shook my head, wanting to scream and cry and punch something. Instead, I just started talking nonsense. My voice rushing out words.

"This is my fault, this is my fault, all of it's my fault," I said, holding back the tears.

Rick laid a hand on my shoulder, "Star, it's not your fault."

"Yes it is!" I yelled, wiping my head to look at the man I called my brother. "It has to be my fault, because the only other person's fault it could be is Daryl's. And I would rather blame myself then blame him."

Clearly I had silenced Rick because he said nothing else.

My eyes caught sight of the picture again, my mind finally settling some as it came to realization that I was pregnant again. "Rick," I said, my voice coming out in a weak mumble, it soon picked up as I spoke, "I need you to promise me something. I need you to stop me, to keep me here, to protect me."

I looked back at Rick, "I'll try to stop you, I'll say things I won't mean, and I'll do some crazy things. But you have to stop me, because I don't want to lose this baby." The last few words were choked out as tears started to fall.

Rick quickly wrapped his arms around me, letting me burry my face in his chest as I cried, "I want Daryl. I want him back. I need him back."

"And we'll get him back, I promise," Rick whispered against my head before kissing it, trying to calm me down.

The door quickly swing open, made Rick and I pull away from each other, looking to find Aaron standing in the doorway. "Rick, you guys have got to get out here," His frantic voice said, making Rick and I look at each other before Rick headed for the door.

"Stay here," Rick said over his shoulder to me, but curious of what was going on, I followed him outside.

We followed Aaron to the gate, my body immediately stopping and my mind immediately regretting the choice of joining Rick when I saw what we were called out for. Negan and few of his men were outside of the gate with trucks, smiles on their faces.

Well, hello, there," Negan said, looking at me with a toothy smile. My feet took a step back, my heart racing as my eyes staid on my father. His attention turned to Rick, making my heart relax some, until he asked, "Well, aren't you going to let me in?"

Rick sighed, looking over his shoulder at me, "Go inside."

My feet wasted no time in turning around to leave, only to stop when Negan quickly spoke up, "Stop! Why don't you stick around? Now Rick, you're not going to make me ask again are you?"

Slowly, my body turned, facing Negan and his men that waited to be let in. Rick sighed, looking at the ground before grabbing the gate and pulling it to the side, letting Negan and his men in. The trucks wasted no time in pulling in, revealing even more of his men. At least 30.

"You said a week, you're early," Rick said, referring to the collection of food. Early? That was an understatement. They were about five days early.

Negan looked over at Rick, "I missed you." He then lifted up his bat and rested it on his shoulder as he made his way over to me. Rick took a few steps, following Negan and eyeing him closely.

"Well hello," Negan said, his body stopping right in front of mine. "And how is my daughter doing this beautiful afternoon?"

I was silent, unable to speak in fear my courage would flood back to me and I would say something that would cause another death in Alexandria. Negan's eyebrows raised, showing that he was waiting for an answer. "Fine, and yourself?" I asked, through clenched teeth.

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