Chapter 14- Taking What's Ours

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Chapter 14- Taking What's Ours

I started picking up anything that was lying around, throwing it into a garbage bag I found upstairs. The sound of Rick yelling for someone to open the door made me quickly stop and run over to the cell block door and open it.

Hershel was wheeled in, half his right leg completely gone. My eyes went wide as Maggie, Glenn, Lori, Beth, and Carl ran into one of the cell's clearing it out.

"What happened?" I asked, looking at Daryl who stopped beside me.

"He got bit; we got some prisoners here that may be trouble," Daryl said, loading his arrow and stepping out of the cell black into the hallway, his arrow pointing down the dark hallway.

I check on Hershel to see him being taken care of by the group. Quickly, I ran over and grabbed my gun, stopping by Daryl and holding up my gun, waiting with him. He glanced at me before focusing on five guys that walked in.

"It's far enough," Daryl said, causing the guys to stop.

"What's your names," I asked them, showing no sign of fright because, I didn't have any.

"I'm Thomas, this is Big Tiny, Oscor, Andrew, and Axel," Thomas said, eyeing me with a horrible smirk. I wanted to shoot him right there, but knew better. "Cell block C. Cell four, that's mine, gorgeous," He said, giving me a kissy face.

Daryl took a step towards them, aiming the crossbow at his head, "You better shut up."

Thomas looked at him and took a step back, "Wow, sorry there man."

I spoke up, hoping to stop Daryl from starting a fight with these guys. By the looks of it, Thomas had a gun, which I wasn't to worried about but we still needed to be cautious. "Today's your lucky day, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia, you're free to go."

Thomas nodded to the cell block, "What you got going on in there?"

"Ain't none of your concern," Daryl said, keeping his crossbow pointed at them.

Of course, Thomas pulls out his gun, pointing it at Daryl, "Don't be telling me what's my concern."

I quickly took a few steps towards the men, my gun aiming right at them, ready to shoot.

Big tiny tried to calm Thomas down, "Chill, man. Dude's leg is messed up. Besides, we're free now, why are we still in here?"

Nodding to Big Tiny, Daryl said, "Man's got a point."

Thomas looked between Daryl and I and asked, "Group of civilians breaking into a prison you've got no business being in, got me thinking there ain't no place for us to go!"

"Why don't you go find out?" I asked, ready to either shoot these guys or feed them to the walkers, either way I was gettin annoyed with them.

Axel spoke up, "Maybe we'll just be going now." Yes, please do.

"Hey, we ain't leaving," Thomas yells, making T-Dog show up and aim his gun too at the group. The group eyes the three of us as T-Dog says, "You ain't coming here either!"

Getting angry and impatient, Thomas said, "Hey, this is my house, my rules, I go where I damn well please!"

"There ain't nothing for you here, why don't you go back to your own sandbox?" Daryl says, getting angry as well.

As if sensing the fight that could break out at any moment between us and the prisoners, Rick shows up trying to calm everyone down. "Hey, Hey, everyone relax, there's no need for this."

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