Chapter 12- New Home, Old Memories

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Chapter 12- New Home, Old Memories

Moving, before this I loved packing up your things, loading them into a car, driving to a new house, unpacking everything, and feeling at home in a new place.

Surprisingly, things hadn't changed. I still loved moving, just not as much as I did before. Now everything fit in a bag, or a box. And sometimes you couldn't move in a car, you had to move on foot. Then came clearing out the walkers in a house so it was safe for everyone else.

We made it fun, or at least Daryl and I did. It became kind of like a game for us, sneaking around into a house and seeing who killed more Walkers. The winner? Got a kiss.

We had thought of trading food, but since food was hard to come by we decided against it.

Daryl wasn't so shy on showing his love for me to the group, but he still didn't make as big of a scene like he did when we were alone. He was actually very romantic, in his own redneck, Daryl, way.

Rick, Carl, T-Dog, Daryl, and I busted the doors open to a two story house. Rick and T-Dog took the two at the front door down, leaving the rest of the house to Daryl and me.

We made our way up the stairs, slowly opening a door to an old bedroom. A Walker stood by the window, turning around to face us. I lowered my gun, taking out my knife.

I charged for the Walker only for it to be taken down by one of Daryl's arrows. Quickly I turned and looked at him, seeing the smirk on his face.

"We're still not done," I said, pointing at him and leaving the room. We checked the rest of the house, only finding an owl. Sadly, he got that one too. I searched the rest of the house again but there was no more Walkers, which was good but I at least wanted to tie up the game.

Rick whistled downstairs, calling the rest of the group in.

Winter had come and gone, meaning Lori was even more pregnant and could pop any week now. The cold weather was harsh on us all, but we managed to get through it.

The rest of the group piled in, carrying their things as they settled in the living room.

Carl was checking through the kitchen, keeping his gun close by him. He had grown up so fast it was crazy, he even made his gun shot's quieter. Of course, I think I helped with that one.

"I could have gotten that Owl," I said to Daryl as we walked down the stairs. He scoffed at me, "No way, he'd probable fly off at the sight of you."

I glared at him, making him give me his half smile as he plucked the Owl's feathers. Leaning in, I gave him a quick kiss before joining the group in the living room.

Carl brought out two cans of dog food, trying to open one up. At the sight, Rick grabbed the can and threw it against the wall. He didn't say a word but we all knew what he was thinking.

We're not damn animals.

As if on cue, Walkers started to head towards the house, grabbing us all by surprise. We grabbed our things, running out the back door. I sat my bag on my back while Daryl locked his crossbow at the head of the bike.

He had fixed his bike so there was a perfect spot for his crossbow.

I slid onto the bike, wrapping my arms around his angel vest chest, before we drove off, the group follow close behind in the red truck, silver van, and new silver truck.

This was our routine. Find a house, clear it out. Stay until Walkers show up, then leave and start again. It was tiring, not having a secure place to stay.

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