Chapter 35- Always Looking Out For Me

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Chapter 35- Always Looking Out For Me

I pointed the crossbow, keeping my eyes open wide while Daryl walked behind me. "I still don't know why you're trying to teach me how to use your crossbow," I said with a small smile.

"Ya gotta learn sometime, like ya said I won't always be around," Daryl said, making me turn and look at him, slightly bumping his chest. He smiled before nodded me ahead.

We followed the tracks before coming across a small clearing, a Walker feeding off a dead deer. Slowly and cautiously I made my way towards the Walker, the crossbow aiming right at its head.

I had all confidence that I would hit the Walker in the head, and I probably would have if the heel of my foot hadn't gotten stuck in a trap. Pain flew through my body, making me fall flat on my butt. The Walker noticed, standing up and heading towards me.

Daryl ran over, picking up the crossbow and hitting it in the head with it before running over to me. He slid next to me, opening the trap and letting my foot free. "Well shit," I cursed under my breath as I held the heel of my foot.

"Can you move it?" Daryl asked, looking up at me before looking back down at my foot. I moved my foot and nodded, "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Come on," Daryl said, taking my hands and helping me up, "Can you walk on it?"

I started to walk, limping just slightly before nodding. Daryl steadied me, occasionally helping me walk every now and then.

We made it out of the woods and came across a funeral home with a cemetery right next door. A sigh left my lips as I stopped and rearranged my gun and bag. Even though this bag isn't holding a lot, it still feels heavy on my back with my gun.

"You all right?" Daryl asked, looking at me. I nodded, "Yeah, a little sore foot isn't going to hold me down."

Daryl looked around before rearranging his crossbow. He turned so his back was to me and bent down a little, "Hop on."

I looked at Daryl like he was crazy and raised my eyebrows at him, "Are you serious?" He nodded, "Yeah, this is a serious piggyback, jump up." A small sigh left my lips before I jumped onto his back.

"You're heavier than you look," Daryl said, smirking slightly. I hit his shoulder and let out a small laugh. We started to head towards the funeral home, my mouth opening to say, "Maybe there are people there."

Daryl nodded slightly, "Yeah, if there are, I'll handle them."

"Aw, my knight in a leather vest," I said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. I could see his cheeks fill with blush as we headed up to the door. "There are still good people in this world Daryl," I said as he let me slide off his back. "I don't think the good ones survive anymore," Daryl said, looking at me as he took off his crossbow.

He kicked the door open, hitting his hand against the wall while I whistled. No one came out, cuing us to go in. I walked in, ignoring the small stings of pain that shot through my foot.

The first thing I noticed when I walked in was how clean the place was. Not a single speck of dust sat anywhere, telling us someone had just lived here. "It's so clean, someone's been tending to it," I spoke my mind so Daryl could hear me.

"May still be around," Daryl said, nodding for me to follow him down some stairs. When we reached the bottom of the steps we saw two dead bodies lying on a metal table, clearly dead for a while.

A chill went up my back at the sight of the dead people, making me say, "I hate funeral homes."

"Me too, let's get that ankle wrapped," Daryl said, grabbing some medical supplies from a cupboard. I sat down on the counter, my eyes staying glued to the dead people before us. I was used to seeing dead people, but dead people covered in blood and rotting flesh. These were just dead people, not turned into Walkers.

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