Chapter 18- Let's Get Back To Work

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Chapter 18- Let's Get Back To Work

Daryl crouched in front of Rick, waving his hand in front of him as he said his name a few times. Rick seemed to be in a shocked state, worrying everyone.

Carl took the baby, making Daryl get up and walk over to where Beth, Hershel, Carl, the baby, and I stood. "Do we have anything a baby can eat?"

Hershel shook his head, looking at the baby as he said, "The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula. And soon, or she won't survive."

Daryl shook his head, "No, no way, not her. We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run. You up for one?"

I look to see Daryl looking at me, "Yeah, I saw a few signs for a shopping center just north of here. The cars wouldn't be able to fit but the motorcycle could. Let me go and wrap my wrist, I'll meet you at your bike."

Daryl nodding, looking to Beth and saying something while I headed back inside. The place seemed empty, no one in sight. As I made my way up the stairs, the sound of my footsteps seemed to echo off the walls.

As I reached my cell, I opened my bag and pulled out a black brace. I let out a small laugh as I realized I finally had a use for this thing. I had grabbed it in all the chaos of packing, thinking it could come to some use one day.

Today's that day.

I strapped the brace on, before locking my knife on my side and slipping my gun over my back. My bag soon became empty before sitting on my back, readying me for my journey.

Slipping off my shirt and putting on a brand new shirt, I hurried outside to find Daryl just getting on his bike. I slipped on his back, wrapping my arms around him as Maggie and Glenn opened the gate doors.

Daryl quickly drove, listening to my directions as we slipped through Walkers, abandon cars, and other trash that cluttered the roads.

Finally we came to the place, stopping the bike and getting off. Daryl nodded to a few Walkers loosely walking around. "Company's close, stay tight."

I nodded, walking past a gate before breaking a window with my gun and slipping in. Daryl was close behind, watching my back as I appeared in a classroom. Handprints with names in the middle filled the wall next to me. I stopped slightly, seeing an orange handprint with the name Cassie on it. My heart sunk even more, but I shook myself off and started to look around.

A cupboard was filled with bottles and a few baby blankets but no formula. I grabbed the bottles and baby blankets and quickly threw them into my bag before pulling out my knife.

Daryl and I slowly crept down the hallway, poking out heads in rooms to see if we could find a kitchen of some sort.

Sure enough, there was a small one, but the sound of something rustling in the closet made us turn to it. I opened the door, revealing a Opossum hissing at us. Daryl quickly shot it, smiling a little as he said, "Hello, dinner."

I was silent, opening the cupboard to find a few containers of formula.

Daryl watched me as I loaded my bag, handing me a small stuff animal. I looked at it before looking at Daryl. I slowly took it, slipping it into my bag as Daryl slipped the Opossum in his.

I drew still and silent, my mind starting to wander which worried me. Daryl looked back at me, asking, "Ya alright?"

Shaking the sadness off, I slipped my bag over my shoulder and smiled, "Ya, let's go." Daryl watched me for a minute, clearly not believing me but said nothing more than just, "Alright, let's go."

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