Chapter 9- Can't Run From Death

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Chapter 9- Can't Run From Death

I hated funerals, even before all of this. Dale's was no different, yet I stuck around long enough to hear Rick say a few words.

Hershel was having us move into the house since more and more walkers were popping up and winter was on its way. Glenn and I were going to go out for a run, looking for supplies and other things that could be helpful for winter.

Glenn and I took a truck, both of us readying our guns and making sure we had enough ammo.

"Everything that's mine is in my tent. If you could, could you take it into the house?" I asked Daryl as I loaded my gun.

"Will do, anything else?" Daryl asked as he watched me.

I shook my head, "No, that should do it. We'll be back by nightfall, just promise me you won't do anything stupid," I said with a smirk. Daryl rolled his eyes at me, "Shut up."

When my gun was all ready and my knife hung on my side I leaned over and gave Daryl a quick kiss before getting into the truck. Glenn and I drove off while Daryl was going to help patrol around the house.

Once we got into town, Glenn and I grabbed out bags and headed into the first store which was just a little dollar store.

"So, you and Daryl, that's no surprise," Glenn said, speaking for the first time since we left the farmhouse.

"Yeah, everyone seems to be thinking that. But look at you pizza boy," I said with a smile as I bumped his arm, referring to him dating Maggie. He blushed before returning to the little amount of food that sat on a shelf.

Small talk filled us as we went through every store we could. We only killed four walkers which was nice, but stopped before we reached a store full of them.

I had gotten some warmer clothes for people off of some dead bodies and store racks while Glenn grabbed some food. He was good when it came to making a run, which surprised me.

"So, you and Maggie, what's your future gonna be like?" I asked as I threw two bags filled with clothes in the back of the truck.

Glenn laughed, "What kind of question is that?"

I shrugged, getting in the truck with Glenn, "Just a question, so give me an answer."

He stopped and seemed deep in thought before turning to me and saying, "Happy, married, maybe a few kids. You know, after all this is over." He started the truck and drove off.

"What about you? I mean, you and Daryl seem happy together which is saying something since he never seems happy."

I laughed, shaking my head, "We kissed once and already it feel like we've been kissing for years. The future doesn't sit in my mind anymore, I'm more worried about getting through the day without him or I getting hurt, or worst."

Glenn nodded in agreement, pausing before asking, "Hey, back at the farmhouse, when you stood up for Dale like that. How'd you learn to talk like that?"

Another shrug came out, "Not sure, just hidden talent I guess. I don't really remember much of what I said, sort of blacked out I guess."

"Well, either way, it's pretty cool. I guess you and Rick are like brother and sister, both able to control a situation."

My head quickly looked at Glenn with a smiling confused look, "What are you talking about?"

"You and Rick, you two act like brother and sister. It's nice to see how well you're fitting into the group."

I shook my head at him, letting out a small laugh, "Yeah, but for how long?"

Glenn answered, though it wasn't much of a question, "Till Daryl or Rick say otherwise."

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