Chapter 22- I Made A Mistake

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Chapter 22- I Made A Mistake

Daryl's POV

Merle and I were wandering through the woods, trying to catch some food. But my mind was somewhere else. What I said to Starlet echoed in my head, making me feel worst.

"There ain't nothing out here but mosquitoes and ants," I said to my brother, stopping to lean on a tree while Merle caught up.

"Patience, little brother. Sooner or later, a squirrel is bound to scurry across your path."

"Even so, that ain't much food," I said, looking over my crossbow.

Merle mumbled, "More than nothing," before stopping by me. "So, ya want to tell me about the girl ya kissed?"

I looked at Merle, seeing him smiling at me. I had promised myself that I wouldn't tell him about Starlet. Last thing I need is him going after her or something. "I'd have better luck going through one of them houses we passed back on the turnoff."

My brother sighed, "Is that what your new friends taught you? How to loot for booty?"

"We've been at it for hours. Why don't we find a stream, try to look for some fish?" I asked, starting to walk again which caused him to follow.

"I think you're just trying to lead me back to the road, man. Get me over to that prison."

"They got shelter, food, a pot to piss in. Might not be a bad idea," I said, hoping to talk him into joining me back to the prison. I made a mistake and need to fix it.

"An your new girlfriend," Merle said, making me stop. "What is she? 20 something right? Man she's a sexy one brother."

I mumbled, "Shut up."

Merle put up his hands, "Hey, I don't mean to push, but just because I come back with ya, doesn't mean their gonna let me in with open arms."

"Everyone will get used to each other," I said, fixing my crossbow as I tried to get my mind off of Starlet. Which was impossible.

Merle looked at me for a moment, studying me as if I was some type of science project. "They're all dead, all of them."

"How can you be so sure?" I scuffed at him, knowing he was trying to get my head off the prison and the group.

"'Cause I know the governor. But hey, don't worry, your little girlfriend won't die. No, the governor wants to keep her alive."

I quickly looked at my brother confused, coming to a stop, "What are ya talkin about?"

Merle smiled, laughing a little as he said, "What? She didn't tell ya? She knew the governor, yeah, ran into him in the woods. He gave her food, water, a place to stay. Just like you did. But one night, she left with a bag of supplies and weapons. Killed three people."

Slowly I shook my head, "No, you're lying."

"I saw the bodies little brother," Merle said with a shrug.

"Then you got your story mixed up," I said, nodding towards him.

Merle shrugged, his smile gone, "Maybe. But that girlfriend of yours is trouble. Now come on, let's hook some fish." Merle started to walk ahead of me, leaving me behind as I thought about what he said.

Was he right? Did she do that? Would she do that to us?

I pushed the questions to the back of my head, not believing them. I know her, she wouldn't do something like that unless her life depended on us. Hell, I have no right to judge. Merle and I had planned something like that before too.

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