Chapter 43- The Big Spill

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Chapter 43- The Big Spill

I never realized how much pain death could cause, until death actually happened. Someone dies, it hurts, and then my brain erases the pain and I move forward.

But this one was different.

This one made the erasing slow, letting the pain soak in more.

Beth was supposed to be with me when I told Daryl. She was supposed to help take care of it. She was supposed to lighten up her sister's face, completing my own little family.

Rick as the brother, Carl as my nephew, Daryl as my husband, Glenn and Maggie as my brother and sister, and Beth as my little sister.

That was how my family was supposed to be, now, Beth's gone.

My attention was drawn from my knife that twisted and turned in my hands to Rick who started talking to Glenn, Michonne, Sasha, and Daryl. He sounded like he was talking about a place that Noah mentioned to him.

"It was secure. It has a wall, homes, 20 people. Beth wanted to go with him. She wanted to get him there. It's a long trip, but if it works out, it's the last long trip we have to make," Rick said.

"And what if it isn't around anymore?" Glenn asked? I stood up, gaining their attention, "Then we keep going, and we find a new place."

Glenn, Noah, Rick, Tyreese, and Michonne gathered up some weapons and drove ahead, sticking us about 20 minutes behind them.

Daryl drove an old beat up truck, sticking me next to him and the rest of our stuff next to me. Everyone else was packed in a van behind us, following as Daryl and I lead the way for them.

"Hey, Starlet," Rick's voice said over the small walky. "Yeah, I'm here," I said, bring up the walky to my mouth. I heard Rick's voice again on the other end, "We're halfway there. Just wanted to check the range."

"Everybody's holding tight. We've made it 500 miles. Maybe this can be the easy part," I said, my eyes starring ahead at the road. I heard a small laugh from Rick on the other end before he said, "Give us 20 minutes to check in."

I nodded as if he could see me and brought the walky back up, "We don't hear from you, we'll come looking."

"Copy that."

Silence soon filled the truck after, the only noise left was the engine, but even that seemed to fade off to silence in my mind.

Beth's voice kept popping up in my head, saying, "You're going to tell him, right?" Though I knew it was only in my head, I thought I saw Daryl continuously glance at me every time I thought the word "baby".

"Hey, Star," Daryl said, using my nickname to draw me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I looked at Daryl, "Yeah?"

"Nothin, you just looked like you were in another world that's all," Daryl said, glancing at me before returning to the road. "Sorry," I mumbled, looking down at my hands, or more likely my belly.

Though you couldn't tell I was pregnant, it still felt like the world could. That's when I knew I had to say something, even just a hint would help ease my mind.

"Hey Daryl," I said, making him glance at me once again before returning to the road. "Yeah?" Daryl asked, clearly confused at why my eyes wouldn't meet his when he looked at me. I could see the wheels turning in his mind, trying to think of everything that happened and what could possibly be the thing that turned my gaze from his.

I took a deep breath, "I found something out at the hospital."

Daryl looked at me worriedly, "Are you okay?"

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