Chapter 31- Medicine or Alcohol?

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Chapter 31- Medicine or Alcohol?

To say that I was happy when the school came into view would be an understatement.

Slowly and cautiously we headed into the large building, keeping our eyes open, our flashlights on, and our weapons ready. It wasn't until we had reached a lap and medical room that we kicked it into gear.

Bob and Tyreese took over the lab while Daryl and I took over the medical room. "What are we supposed to be looking for again?" I asked Daryl as I looked through cupboards.

"Anything ending with -cillin or –cin," Daryl said, picking up a few things.

Silence filled us for a brief moment before I finally broke it. "What do you think Rick is thinking? About what I did?"

Daryl looked at me, debating something in his head before returning to loading up his bag. "I think he'll understand, got to give him some time," Daryl said.

"You didn't need much time," I said, looking up at him. He must have sensed it, 'cause he looked at me too. "That's 'cause I know you, better than anyone."

A small laugh escaped my lips as I zipped up my bag, "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that."

Daryl and I headed into the lab room, setting down our bags on the desks, "Bags, tubes, clamps, connectors. Everything on the list," I said, looking at Tyreese and Bob.

"What about y'all?" Daryl asked them.

"Yeah, we got it all," Bob said with a nod, slipping his bag over his shoulder nervously. I looked at Bob curiously, watching as he joined Tyreese, Daryl, and I.

"All right, let's roll," Daryl said, grabbing one of the bags while I slipped my own backpack into my back. We started to head down one of the hallways, all of us keeping an eye out.

The sound of groans filled my ears, making me stop and look behind me. No one.

I started to walk again, looking over my shoulder a few times. The sound of groaning grew, making me stop again and turn around completely. Cautiously, I moved to one of the closed doors.

A huge hole was in the outside wall, letting Walkers in and out. The room was full, Walkers pushing and leaning on the door.

"Star," Daryl called, using my nickname to get my attention.

I held up my finger to silence him, nodding for him to come over. Daryl, Bob, and Tyreese slowly walked over, looking through the window.

"Jesus," Tyreese cursed under his breath. Suddenly, a Walker slammed against the window, breaking it. We all jumped back and watched as the door was forced open.

"Come on, let's go!" Daryl yelled, already starting to run down the hallway. We all followed quickly, watching over our shoulders as hundreds of them started to head towards us.

We quickly made a sharp left into the stair well, about to head down a level when we saw some coming up the steps. Up it us.

"Where are these things coming from?" Tyreese yelled as we pushed ourselves to run faster.

"Don't know, let's just get out of here," I said, skipping steps. I had always done this, it helped me move quicker, further, and better. I had almost past Daryl when he threw his arm out in front of me, making me crash into it.

He pointed to a large window that sat high up on the right wall. "Come on," Daryl said, slinging his crossbow over his shoulder as he stepped one foot on a lower piece of the wall, the other on a metal box that hung on the wall. With a long reach, he grabbed the edge of the window and pulled himself up. He opened the window and looked down at us.

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