Chapter 16- Out Of Sight, Never Out Of Mind

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Chapter 16- Out Of Sight, Never Out Of Mind

I looked up at Daryl, my head on his chest as he starred up at the ceiling. "We should probable go help the group."

"Just a little longer, please," I whine, making Daryl smirk as he glanced down at me. It had been about a week since Hershel had lost his leg and the prisoners were found.

Daryl and I kept the office a secret, keeping it just for us. I told Maggie where it was, only to get us if there was ever an emergency. Otherwise, stay out.

He rubbed my back soft, starring back up at the ceiling. Silence filled us, until the door swung open, revealing Maggie. "Hey, we need your help."

A groan left my lips as I sighed, nodding her to go on ahead. She smirked at me before leaving, making us get up and get dressed.

A small smile crossed my face as I thought back to this morning. Daryl and I threw another dead Walker into the back of a truck before letting out a huff.

We have been clearing out the yard, getting ready to burn the walkers almost all day. It feels like it's taking forever, but you can defiantly see a change in the place. It seems more homer.

"So, fact or dare?" I asked, turning to walk over to another dead Walker. Daryl and I have been playing fact or dare the whole time we've been clearing out walkers. If you pick dare, then you get dared to do something. If you pick fact, then you have to give a fun fact about yourself.

It seems to make the time go by faster.

"Fact," Daryl said, grabbing the head of a Walker. I pick up the leg's, helping him carrying the body to the truck. "I hate pineapple on my pizza."

"Doesn't everybody?" I asked, partly out of breath. God, these things are heavy. You'd think they'd be light, but nope, defiantly not.

"Fact or dare?" Daryl asked me, throwing another dead body in the truck. He stopped and put his arm up on the truck, looking at me as I whipped the sweat off my face with my shirt.

A whistle suddenly leaves Daryl's lips as the exposure of my belly. "Shut up," I say with a smile, putting my hands on my hips. "Fact, my favorite candy is watermelon sour patch kids."

Daryl scuffs, "Ya right."

"I'm serious, I love those things. Fact or Dare."

"Dare," Daryl says, waiting for his dare as I think of one. I look around, looking for something to dare him to do. A smile crosses my face as I notice Hershel limp out on crutches with the help of Beth, Lori, and Carl.

Daryl notices my smile and looks over, smiling slightly at the man. "Well would ya look at that."

I pated the truck before walking around the fenced in areas, locking them behind me. My feet carried me over to Hershel, making him stop and look at me. "You look good."

"I believe I have you and Carl to thank for that," Hershel said with a smile. I shrugged, "No problem."

These moments were the type of moments that I loved. The days where we were all happy and enjoying life.

Then my eyes caught sight of it, the only thing that could reunion my day. Walkers. Tons of them were walking towards us, seeming to appear out of nowhere.

"Walkers!" I yelled, slipping my gun off my back and pointing it at the Walkers, causing everyone to panic.

My eyes tried to find where they were coming in at, but they kept moving, focusing on everyone. Daryl, Rick, and Glenn started to run around the fence, calling out names.

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