Chapter 57- You Can Knock Me Down, But I'll Get Back Up Again

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Darkness overtook the woods around us, the only lights were from the giant building before us, a fence blocking it off from any Walkers. My eyes watched the building, as if a Batman signal would go off, telling me they had found Negan and that I was in the clear to come in.

But nothing like that happened.

"Hey, are you okay?" Maggie asked, laying a hand on my shoulder, snapping my attention away from The Savior's building.

"Yeah, just deep in thought," I said, giving her a reassuring smile. They look she gave me back told me she wasn't believing me and was determining whether or not to push the truth out.

Maggie's mouth opened, ready to push onward in hopes to get some sort of true answer from me but was cut off by a loud alarm blaring from the building.

Part of me was grateful the noise had happened, because I don't know how many "I'm fines" or "nothings" I can say anymore.

"They're in trouble," Maggie said, her hand gripping her gun on her side.

"Stay here," I quickly said, already starting to fast walk towards the building. "I'm going with you," Maggie said, trying to race to catch up.

I stopped, almost making Maggie run into my back as I turned around. "No, just wait here, if you hear my whistle then move ahead, otherwise make sure no one tries to sneak out."

"Like me?" A man's voice said, making me quickly turn around to see a tall man, his hand gripping a gun that he was pointing at us. Quickly, I raised my gun, letting off a fire that hit his arm, sending his gun and him flying backwards.

Quickly, I raced over to the man, jumping on top of him and pointing my gun at his head. "Did you just come from inside there?" I asked the man through clenched teeth.

A groan was all I got from the man. "I said, did you just come from in there?" Again nothing but a glare and a groan. "Where is Negan?" I yelled, pushing the gun closer to his temple.

The sound of a gun cocking, made my heavy breathing stop and a sigh leave my lips. I turned to my side, seeing a red head pointing her gun at Maggie while a heavy set women with long blond hair pointed a gun at me.

I turned to the left of me, noticing a tall, black hair women pointing at a gun at me as well, threatening to fire.

"Get off him or she dies," The red head said, nodding towards Maggie who had her hands up, her eyes watching me closely.

My eyes glared back down at the man, before I pushed myself off of him and stood up straighter, throwing my own hands up in the air. "Guns, knives on the ground right now," The red head said, telling me she was most likely in charge.

Hesitantly, my hand released my gun, throwing it onto the ground. "She said knives too," the black hair chick said, making me glare over at her before reaching into my knife holder and dropping the knife on the ground.

"Nice jacket," The big women said, nodding to my jean jacket that hugged my body.

"For a murderous bitch," The black haired women hissed at me, keeping her gun pointed right at me. I scuffed, "I've been called worst."

The red head must not have heard me because she continued on like I hadn't said a word. "Well, we'll take it off her before we shoot her."

My eyes watched as the man before me crawled back, one hand gripping his arm in pain while the other picked up my knife, using it as a defense in case I tried anything stupid.

Which I've been known to do a few to many times.

The big women rolled her eyes, walking over to the man and taking out some rope to tie around the wounded arm. My eyes glanced to the backpack that sat against the tree I was leaning on early, it barely see able in the dark.

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