Chapter 34- The Truth And The Past

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Chapter 34- The Truth And The Past

Our feet scrapped against the dirt ground while my mouth drunk the little water I had left. "Well, that's the last of our liquid," I said, looking at the empty water bottle before throwing it back in my bag,

"I might know a place where we can find something else," Daryl said, taking a sharp left into the woods. "You mean you found a place without me?" I said with wide eyes before smirking.

Daryl rolled his eyes, "Shut up." He looked back at me and smiled slightly at me before nodding for me to follow him.

We stopped in front of an old cabin, clearly abandon by the broken windows and trash scattering the front porch.

"Found this place a few weeks ago with Tyreese, knew exactly what it was when I saw it," Daryl said, looking at me before heading towards the house. I looked at the abandon cabin and knew instantly that this place meant something to Daryl.

Daryl and I walked into the house, Daryl holding the door open for me before heading to the small kitchen. He sat his crossbow down on the counter and opened up the cupboards below the sink.

My eyes looked over the place, finding trash everywhere. The place held a lot of memories making me smile slightly at the thought of the stories it could tell. When I looked up at Daryl I found him setting a large box on the counter, filled with jars that held liquid inside of them.

"What's that?" I asked, leaning my gun against a large chair that sat near-by. "Moonshine, the best drink around," Daryl said, grabbing one of the jars and opening it.

I nodded, watching him take a sip. "Can I try?" I asked, making him stop and look at me, clearly surprised. "Ya sure?" He asked, setting the jar down.

"Why not?" I asked shrugged and holding out my hand. He looked at me for a moment, seeing if I was serious. "Alright," he said handing me the jar. I looked at the liquid for a minute before taking a deep breath and swallowing some of the alcohol that burned my throat.

I shook my head, making a face which caused Daryl to laugh slightly, "I don't know how my dad could drink this."

Daryl took the jar from me and sat it down on the counter before walking over to the window, peering out it. I grabbed the jar and took another sip of it. The taste was still horrible but it helped my dry throat.

"Careful, don't need ya tripping over the furniture," Daryl said, making me look over at him to find him looking at me with a half-smile. "So, what, you're like my chaperone now?" I asked with a smile.

"Just drink lots of water," Daryl said, looking back out the window which caused me to chuckle. "Okay Daryl Dixon," I said, setting the jar down.

My eyes looked over the room, tilting my head to the side when I saw a pink bra filled with cigarettes. "Now that's something you don't see every day," I say, pointing to the bra.

Daryl looked down and chuckled, "That's something I'd see every day. My dad would picked this up, set it on top of his TV, and use it as target practice."

"I don't know what's more scary, that fact I can see your dad doing that or the fact that I could see you doing that," I said, pointing to him.

With a nod, Daryl said, "That shed out there, my dad had a place just like this. You got your Dumpster chair. That's for sitting in your drawers all summer drinking." Daryl sat down in the chair, making me turn and look at him. "Got your fancy buckets. That's for spitting chaw in after your old lady tells you to stop smoking."

I couldn't help but smile as I watched and listened to Daryl talk about his past house and family. This was the most I've heard him talk about his past since he first told Carl about his mom's death.

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