Chapter 51- Death Is Never The End

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Chapter 51- Death Is Never The End

"All right," Sasha broke the silence through the walky. I grabbed the walky from Daryl's jacket, hoping we had finally reached the 20 mile mark and can go home, "That's 20?"

"It will be, 642 is a mile ahead. We gotta put distance between us and them before the turnoff," Sasha said. Abraham looked over at us a smile on his face as he yelled over to us, "So floor it."

Daryl smirked, nodding, "All right, try to keep up." Daryl was already picking up speed, whispering to me, "Hang on, baby."

He didn't have to tell me twice. The bike picked up speed, revealing how bad he wanted to get home. I was with him. Iwanted, no needed to know what was going back on at Alexandria and since Rick never showed up we have nothing to go off of.

We turned onto route 642, Sasha and Abraham flooring it to keep up with us.

An abandon town crept up on us, causing me to tap Daryl's shoulder, "Slow down." Instantly, Daryl started to slow down, keeping his eye out for anyone or anything.

Apparently, our eyes weren't open enough because suddenly bullets started flying all over the place around us. Daryl started to pick up speed, Sasha and Abraham following as bullets bounced off of their car.

A car suddenly pulls out, surprising Daryl as he swerved to get out of the way. The bike tipped over, knocking Daryl and I onto the ground with a skid.

Bullets bounced off of dead cars around me, causing me to take shelter behind one of them. Daryl was a few cars down, trying to pull his bike back up as his head turned like it was in search of something.


My hands gripped my gun, quickly pulling it over my shoulder as I leaned against the car. "Meet me in the woods!" I yelled over to Daryl who shook his head, trying to wheel his bike back over to me.

A bullet came flying, hitting him in the arm which caused a groan to release from his lips.

Knowing my husband better than anyone, I made my way to my feet, uncontrollable shooting off in any direction that wasn't mine or my husband's. This ceased enough bullets to get me over to Daryl and help him back onto his bike while we dodge whatever bullets were left.

I pushed Daryl behind me as I sat towards the front of the bike, kicking it back on before driving away.

Daryl hung onto me while I drove, only to have the same car that pulled in front of us, start to follow. My eyes looked for two things, Sasha and Abraham, and a place to hide.

The woods.

It was like my mind was screaming at me to return home, it was only now that I realized it wasn't meaning Alexandria, it was meaning the woods.

With a sharp left turn, I made my way through the woods, zooming past an old backroad before making my way deep into the woods once again. The bike came to a stop, causing me to look over my shoulder and listen. The sound of the car's engine getting closer froze me in my spot, but I let out a sigh of relief when the car drove past, following the old backroad.

"There's gone," Daryl whispered to me, making me nod and start back up the bike again. But it wouldn't start. "Shit, could this day get any worse?" I cursed under my breath as I climbed off.

Daryl joined me as we pushed the bike a little deeper into the woods, both out of breath. Once we had reached a good ways from the backroad, we stopped and let the bike drop. I sat my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath while Daryl pulled out his walky.

"Sasha? Abraham, are you there?" Daryl asked, only getting static. "Maybe they're too far away, or dropped it somewhere," I said, my head looking over to him.

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