Chapter 45- My Family

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Chapter 45- My Family

We had a plain, we always have a plain. But this plain, this one backfired on us. Glenn, Michonne, Rick, and Aaron were going to take the car while everyone else piled into the RV Aaron had. We were going to drive straight to this community with no problem.

So much for that.

Aaron was right when he said it was too dangerous to take an unchecked road. Walkers had surrounded the road, Rick's car getting trapped in the middle of it all. Abraham turned the RV around, taking the real route in hopes that was where Rick and the rest of the group would go.

Then we came across Eric, Aaron's boyfriend. He was pinned under a few tires, his ankle broken. Once we found a good place to hold up, Daryl and I took guard outside, waiting for Rick, Glenn, Michonne, and Aaron to show up.

A whistle was heard off in the distance, causing me to whistle in a different tone. Daryl whistled too, hitting on the door as we made our way into the alley to find the rest of our group.

"Dad!" Carl yelled as he ran out, hugging Rick. "Your sister okay?" Rick asked while the rest of the group came out, hugging the returnees. "Yeah, yeah we're fine," Carl said as Rick pulls away.

Rick looks at me, making me let out a sigh of relief before hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry," Rick said, making me nod before pulling away. Rick shook Daryl's hand before Aaron ran inside, calling out Eric's name.

"We found Eric, Arron's boyfriend," I said, causing Rick to look at me a bit surprised. I laughed softly, patting his shoulder, "Yeah, I know."

Everyone joined each other inside of the abandon building, waiting in the empty kitchen for Aaron to finish up his greeting with Eric.

No one said a word, just waited.

Aaron appeared in the doorway, looking at us, "Everyone, thank you. You saved Eric. I owe you, all of you. And I will make sure that debt is paid in full when we get to our community. When we get to Alexandria. Now, I'm not sure about you, but I'd rather not do any more driving tonight. Maybe we can hit the road tomorrow morning."

We laughed softly, nodding in return. Rick spoke up, "That sounds fine. But if we're staying here for the night, you're sleeping over there." He pointed to a spot in the corner, far away from Eric.

Aaron sighed, putting his hands up a bit, "The only way you're gonna stop me from being with him right now is by shooting me."

I looked at Glenn, nodding for him to tell Rick everything that Eric told us. "Rick, he told us where the camp is. And he really was only travelling with one other person. They're both unarmed. One of them's got a broken ankle. I want us to be safe too, all of us."

Rick looked at Glenn, then turned his head, looking at me as if knowing that I was the one to cue Glenn. "All right," Rick said, making Aaron sigh in relief before joining Eric in the other room.

Daryl and I found a couch to sit and rest on, my body finally relaxing into the soft couch. "You should get some sleep," Daryl said, putting his arm around me as I cuddled into his chest. "Don't have to tell me twice," I said with a smile as I closed my eyes.

Sleep overtook me faster than it ever had before and even by morning, I still wasn't ready to get up. We all loaded up into the cars and RV, finding any spot that was available to sit.

Daryl and I took the one couch while Maggie and Glenn took the one next to us. Somehow, I found myself asleep again, lying my head in Daryl chest as he held me close to him in a protective manor.

Noah talked with Arron near us, picking up my hearing so I could listen but still be "asleep".

"That long haired man and girl, who are they?" Arron asked, causing Noah to respond with, "That's Daryl and Starlet." "They look married," Arron said, making a small smile form on my face but quickly dropped it before anyone could notice.

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