Chapter 50- A Thousand Walkers

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Chapter 50- A Thousand Walkers

Rick stood on top of a truck, overlooking the thousands of Walkers. At least 12 of Alexandria people stood around him, Daryl and I included. We listened to his speech like it was his first.

But it wasn't, nor would it be his last.

"I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world. We have to come for them before they come for us. It's that simple," Rick said, as the Walkers snarled behind the giant trucks. The only thing keeping them from Alexandria.

"This is where it all starts tomorrow. Tobin gets in the truck, opens the exit and we're off. He hops out, catches up with his team at red staying on the west side of the road. Daryl and Starlet get on Daryl's bike-" Rick started but the sound of rumbling over took his words.

"You see that?" Sasha yelled out, pointing to one of the trucks that sat on the rocky path above us.

The rocks underneath the truck started to fall apart, causing the truck to lean to one side before eventually falling into the dirt. This started to let more of the Walkers in.

My eyes went wide as Rick started yelling, "It's open! We got to do this now! Tobin's group, get moving, go! Sasha! Abraham!"

Abraham was already getting into the car with Sasha, "Damn straight, we'll do it live."

"You meet Daryl and Star at red. Let him take them through the gauntlet." Rick yelled, causing Sasha to nod in response before getting in the car and driving off.

Rick looked to Daryl and I, "Daryl, Star get ready. They're coming. They're heading for home." Daryl and I nodded, quickly getting onto Daryl's bike before waiting for the Walkers to be let free.

My bag was hooked to Daryl's bike while my gun sat perfectly on my back, ready to use when ready. Both my arms wrapped around Daryl's stomach, looking over his shoulder as we waited.

"You ready for this?" Daryl asked me, starting up his bike. I smiled, looking at Daryl who was facing me, "Born ready."

A group pushed the truck to the side, letting the Walkers out as we turned our bike around.

Glenn and a small group headed out first, while a group of Alexandria's kept the Walker's tamed until we were ready. Once we got the word, Daryl and I started to drive, keeping a slow speed so the Walkers could keep up.

I gripped my gun, aiming it high up into the air before shooting off two bullets. This caused the Walkers to look towards us, following us like we were food.

Which to them, we were.

Rick came over the walky that sat on Daryl's shoulder, "You all have your assignments. You know where to rendezvous. Daryl and Starlet lead them out. Sasha and Abraham join them at the bottom of the hill. Glenn, you hit us when you take care of the walkers at the tractor place. That's the one thing we gotta get ahead of. Everybody keep your heads, and keep up."

We started to drive, keeping it slow but fast enough that the Walkers weren't right on us. After another five minutes, Sasha came over the walky, "We're at red at the bottom of the hill."

"All right, here comes the parade," Daryl said, as we crept over a hill, revealing Sasha and Abraham's car at the bottom. As we got closer, Sasha started to drive, keeping a slow speed like us.

As we started to ride, I closed my eyes, tipping my head back slightly so I could feel the sun on my face and the breeze on my jacketless body.

"Someone's happy," Daryl said, making me open my eyes to see him glancing over his shoulder at me. I smiled and wrapped my arms tighter around his waist, hugging him. One arm let go of the bike, wrapping it around my arms as if he was hugging me back.

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