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                      Jamie Marner


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I grab my luggage from the luggage claim and tried to find Callie who was suppose to pick me up.

"Jamie!!" I hear someone yell.

I turn around to see Callie running towards me.

"Callie!!" I said as I go up to hug her.

"I've missed you so much" she says squeezing me tight.

"Okay Callie not that tight" I said quickly letting go of the hug.

"How was Edmonton?" Callie asked as we head to her car.

We get into Callie's car and head to Mitch's apartment.

To be honest i've never felt this nervous before.

It's been 4 months since I last saw him.

Even though we talk it's not the same as talking face to face.

We arrive in front of Mitch's apartment.

"Sure you're going to be okay?" Callie asked.

"I'll be fine" I said as I grab my luggage from the trunk.

I wave goodbye to Callie as she drives away.

I turn around to face the building.

Here goes nothing

The next thing I knew, i'm standing right in front of Mitch's front door.

I knock on his door.

I hear footsteps coming closer to the door.

The next thing I see is the door open to reveal a guy who wasn't Mitch.

"Hey" I say to the guy who is way taller than me. He has beautiful brown eyes and dark hair.

"Hey you must be Jamie" The guy says.

"Yup that's me" I reply back to him.

"I'm Auston" he extends his hand for a handshake which I gladly accept "Come in".

I stepped into the apartment and saw pictures of Mitch hanging on the wall next to the door.

He looks happy, like he was having a good time.

While he's happy in Toronto i'm in Edmonton having the worst time of my life.

I turn around to see Mitch standing staring at me.

"Mitch!" I say.

"Jamie!" He says as we both hug each other.

"How are you?" He asks still hugging me.

"Surprisedly good" I said letting go of the hug.

"You look amazing" Mitch says.

"Thanks, I told you puberty will come to me eventually" I say making the both of us laugh.

"Well let me show you around" he says as he takes me to the kitchen.

After Mitch gives me a tour around the apartment before letting me settle in my room.

I start unpacking until Mitch comes in.

"Hey Jamie so we have a game tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go?" He asked.

"Sure" I said as he smiles.

"Plus I want to see that girlfriend of yours" I nudge him.

"Oh Steph is not coming to the game" he says nervously.

"Mitch I know when you lie" I say looking at his hands. He has this habit of playing with his hands whenever he lies.

"I'm not lying" he says trying to play it off cool.

"Mitch i'm your twin sister, i'm basically a girl version of you"

"Fine she's going to be there but you better be nice to her" he warns me.


"I may have not mention that I had a sister, a twin to be exact"

"What the hell Mitch" I yell as I hit him lightly on his arm.

"Well I just haven't got to you yet" he defends himself.

"Mitch you had 3 months to mention me plus you visited Mom and Dad with her, shouldn't you at least mentioned you had a sibling?"

"Well Mom and Dad didn't want me to mention you during our visit" he says .

"What do you mean?"

"It's like you didn't existed, there was no pictures of you, your bedroom was turned into a game room and Mom may have given Steph some things of yours" he says as it hits me.

They don't even care about my existence

"Wow seems like they care about me" I say as I tear falls from my eyes.

Mitch gives me a hug, he let's go of me before wiping the tears off my face.

"They do care about you" he says.

"They don't even have pictures of me, what makes you think they care about me?" I ask as I sit down on my bed.

"I know they care about you, trust me" he says.

"Well what are we going to do about Steph, I can't mention that i'm your sister?"

"Well I can say you're my childhood best friend" he said as I shook my head no.

"You can say that i'm your cousin?" I suggested as Mitch's nods no.

"I have an idea" he said as he leaves the room.

Moments later he comes back but he is not alone.

"What's the idea?" I asked.

"I'll say that you and him are dating" Mitch says.

It takes me awhile to think but then I eventually agreed.

"You in Matthews?" I ask.

"Sure" he says smiling at me.

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