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                     Auston Matthews


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"Why did she just leave?" Steph asked after Jamie walked out the door.

"I think I know why" Mitch said as he looked in Alice's way.

"Did I do something wrong?" Alice asked concerned.

"You kinda did um Jamie got a little upset after you said those things about us" I said.

"Why does Jamie care?" She asks.

"Jamie's my girlfriend" I said.

"Oh god" she said.

"I didn't mean to cause something in your relationship"

"It's okay but I think I have a lot of explaining to do when she comes back" I said.

I looked out the window and saw how it was raining like crazy outside.

"Jamie's going to be soaked, look how crazy the rain is going down" Mitch says.

"I need to get her" I said as I stood up.

"Okay just don't get too soaked" Alice says as i smile at her.


I exit the building with my umbrella.

How can she walk out with no umbrella in this weather??

I continue to walk down the street to see if I can find her.

I later see Jamie in a distance, she is looking through the window at some store.

I walk up behind her making sure I don't scare her.

"Hey" was all I said.

She turns back to face me, I notice her eyes are puffy and tears going down her face.

"Hey what's the matter?" I asked her as I pulled her into a hug.

"It's stupid" she quietly said.

"Come on you can tell me" I said.

"I rather not say" she says.

I know she is in a bad mood so I decide to respect her space.

"Okay now let's get you home, you are all soaked" I said as we walk together, our fingers intertwined with each other.

We walk back to the apartment and somehow I managed to not get my hair wet.

"We're back!" I said as we walked in.

"Yay you're back, I can't stand being home alone" Mitch says.

"Where are Steph and Alice?" Jamie asks.

"They went back home oh and Auston Alice gave me this" Mitch hands me a piece of paper with something written on it.

"She told me to tell you that you can text her anytime"

I look over at Jamie who is not really surprised that Alice left me a note.

"I'm going to get changed" Jamie said going in her room and locking the door.

"Mitch why did you have to give me the note right in front of her? You know that she is already pissed with her even coming here"

"I know she's pissed but I just need an answer from you" he says as I look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean you need an answer from me?"

"Auston i'm not an idiot, I see how you look at Alice, you never looked at Jamie that way!" Mitch says.

"Mitch you know that I love your sister very much"

"Auston you may love my sister now but you also still love Alice" he says.

"I don't love Alice, i'm over her"

"Auston you better be over Alice because if you end up breaking my sisters heart over her, you are in big trouble" Mitch warns me.

I nod as I head into my room, I close the door and sit down on my bed.

What if I still like Alice?? How am I suppose to tell Jamie without breaking her heart. If I tell Jamie and she ends up getting hurt, i'm in huge trouble with Mitch. God what do I do now??

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