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                      Jamie Marner


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I wake up to see my phone blown up from messages from Steph.

From Steph 💕


From Steph 💕

Jamie you told me you wanted to talk to me, what is it?

From Steph 💕

Jamie wake your ass up and tell me what's going on

From Steph 💕


I smiled on how impatient she was.

To Steph 💕

Come over now!!

"Already here" Steph barges into my room.

"How the hell did you come here so quick?" I asked her considering she came in 5 seconds after I sent that text.

"I was hungry so I came over and raided the fridge" Steph said taking a bite from her sandwich.

"Ugh now I have to buy more food" I complained.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Steph asked taking a seat next to me.

"I'm going to tell Auston that i'm pregnant" I say as Steph eyes lit up.

"Finally!! I still don't get how he hasn't noticed that you gained weight" Steph says in relief.

"Well I just don't know how I should tell him" I said hoping she would give me some advice.

"Well we are all going for a walk in the park, care to join us?" Steph offered.

"Sure but hopefully he doesn't react that badly since we are in a public area" I said.

"Well get changed we leave in 20 minutes" Steph says taking one last bite of her sandwich before leaving my room.

I look at myself in the mirror.

What could go wrong??


"Aw look at that couple over there!" Steph pointed at the old couple sitting down on the bench.

Well we just walked around the whole park in less than an hour, that's an accomplishment.

I've noticed that Auston has been really quiet ever since we got here, I wonder what he is thinking about.

"Well Steph and I are just going to get some ice cream, you two stay here" Mitch says grabbing Steph's hand and walking away.

As soon as they left Auston and I both stood there in silence.

"I need to tell you something!" We both said.

"Okay you go first" I said as Auston's eyes go wide.

"No you go first" he offered.

"No Auston your news is probably more important than mine, now tell me what's up" I smiled.

"Jamie I think we should break up" he said as my smile turned into a frown.

"This decision has nothing to do with you, I just need some time to think my feelings out" he continued.

I felt my heart break, I didn't know he was feeling like this.

"Well if that's what you want, I respect your decision" I said.

"Really?" He said a little surprised.

"Yeah" I managed to say while trying to hold my tears back.

"So what did you want to tell me about?" He asked.

Luckily Steph and Mitch came back just in time.

"Auston we should go we have to be at the rink in like 10 minutes" Mitch said.

"Yeah Steph we should go too" I said getting up quickly and walking away not bothering to look back.

"Jamie is everything alright?" Steph asked after she managed to catch up with me.

I stopped in place and looked at her, I find myself crying and Steph pulling me in for a hug.

No I just lost the love of my life

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