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                      Jamie Marner


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I open my eyes to see the sun shining on my face.

I get out of bed and head to the kitchen where I can smell bacon.

"Good morning" Mitch greets me as he starts flipping pancakes.

"Dang Mitch I didn't know you could cook" I said looking over his shoulder at the pancakes and bacon.

"Well I did learn from the best" he said smirking at me.

"Don't bring it up" I warned him as I set the table.

As I placed the plates on the table I see Auston walk in.

"Morning" he said yawning while messing up his hair.

Dang he looks cute with messy morning hair

"Morning" I said trying to hide my smile.

"Mitch I didn't know you could cook" he said sitting down.

"Well I did learn from a certain someone" Mitch said placing the pancakes and bacon on the table before sneaking a glance at me.

"Mitch I swear if you bring up that incident I will kill you" I said as i take my seat.

"What incident?" Auston asked as he grabs a pancake.

"Mitch" I look at him.

"Can I tell him?" Mitch asked.

"Nope it's embarrassing" I said stuffing my face with bacon.

"Fine" he said before leaning into Auston.

"I'll tell you later" he whispered which I could clearly hear.

"Mitch i'm gonna kill you later" I said.


"Jamie!! We have to go now!!" Mitch yells.

"I'm coming!!" I yelled back as I grab my purse and my Leafs beanie.

"Dude Does it take 50 minutes to put on makeup?" Mitch asks as we went into the elevator.

"Do you know how long it takes for me to look like this??" I asked pointing to my face.

"I don't understand why you wear makeup, you look perfectly fine without it" he said making me smile.

"Aww Mitch" I said.

"I'm just saying this to you because you look like me without makeup" he says as I slap him on the arm.


"There's more where that came from" I said just as the elevator door opens.

We head to the car where Auston was waiting.

"What took you guys so long?" Auston asked as he started to drive.

"Let's just say that a certain someone took 50 minutes just to put lipstick on" Mitch says looking at me.

"50 minutes to look like this" I said.

The ride to the arena was boring except for the last ten minutes when Mitch decides to put the "Auston Matthews" rap song on.

It was fun rapping along with the song but Auston looked like he was about to kill the both of us.

We head inside the arena as Mitch leads me to the WAGS area.

We turn the corner to see a bunch of girls sitting down talking.

"Hey babe" a blonde girl says hugging Mitch.

"Hey" he says giving her a kiss.

The blonde girl then turns her attention to me.

I stand there smiling at her as she looks unimpressed.

"Steph this is the girl I was talking about" Mitch says.

"Oh you're Jamie!! Nice to meet you!" Steps says giving me a hug.

"Hey Steph" I said returning the hug.

Steph releases from the hug before yelling for the other girls to come over.

"Ladies this is Jamie, Auston's girlfriend" She says as I awkwardly wave and smile.

"Hi my name is Sydney, nice to meet you Jamie" a girl greets me by giving me a hug.

"You girls do love to hug a lot" I joke.

"Yeah we are a very close bunch" Sydney says as she introduces me to the rest of the ladies.

The Leafs won the game 6-3 against Vancouver.

I'm proud to see how hard my brother and the team played today.

I along with Steph went back to the locker room to meet up with Mitch and Auston.

We show the security guard our passes in order to pass through.

I see Auston getting interviewed by the press.

As he was talking he looked in my direction.

I gave him a wave and mouthed "good job" with two thumbs up as he just smiles.

I turn around to see Mitch and Steph smiling at me.


"You guys are so adorable" she says looking at Auston.

I see Auston finish up his interview as he comes towards me giving me a hug.

"Hi" I say letting go of the hug.

"Hey babe" he says smiling at me.

"I can't take it" Steph says as she pulls out her phone.

She takes a picture of Auston and I.

"Can I see it?" I ask.

Steph looks at me for a second before running off.

"Steph come back here!" I say as I chase her around eventually catching her and deleting the photo.

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