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                         Jamie Marner

                         Jamie Marner

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                        2 months later...

I wake up and turn off my alarm. I get up and look at myself in the mirror.

Today is Mitch and I's birthday.

I exit my room and head out to the dining room to see Steph and Auston eating.

"Good morning sunshine!" Steph says stuffing her face in pancakes.

"Good morning" I said taking a seat next to Auston.

He gives me a quick peck on my lips.

"Good morning babe" he whispers in my ear giving me goosebumps.

"Good morning" I said before stuffing my face in food.

I see Mitch put his bag down and take a seat next to Steph.

"You guys ready for the game tomorrow?" Steph asks.

"Yeah we're ready to take them down" Mitch replies.

We continue to eat as I look at Mitch and he looks back at me. I motion to him to meet me in the kitchen.

"Um i'm going to get a drink, Auston do you want anything?" I ask.

"Yeah get me a glass of orange juice please" he says as I nod my head and make my way into the kitchen.

"I'm going to get a drink too" I hear Mitch say.

Seconds later he joins me.

"Dude have they said happy birthday to you yet?" I asked him.

"Nope nothing at all, they are acting like nothing is happening today" Mitch says.

"Wow I can't believe that our best friends forgot about our birthday" I said.

"No I think they are acting like they forgot" Mitch says.


"Jamie it's like what they do in tv shows, they act like they forgot but later they throw this huge surprise party" Mitch says.

"So what should we do?"

"I think that we should head out for a couple hours and when we come back there's going to be a huge party" he says as I agree with him.

"Jamie do you have that glass of orange juice yet?!?" I hear Auston ask from the other room.

"Yeah it's coming!" I say back as I grab a glass from the cupboard.

"So where should we go for a couple of hours?" He asks as he gets the orange juice from the fridge.

"What's something that we could do?"

"Let's go skydiving" Mitch suggests.

"Um let's not" I said pouring the orange juice into the glasses.

"Come on Jamie it will be fun" Mitch begs.

It takes me a while to think about it.

"You know what? Let's do it" I said as Mitch smiles.

"Okay give Auston his drink and let's head out" Mitch says.

We return to the dining room where Auston and Steph have been waiting for us.

"Guys Mitch and I are going out" I said as I gave Auston his drink.

"So you're leaving us?" Steph says.

"Yeah but we will be back in a couple of hours" Mitch says.

"Okay but I want my girlfriend back in good condition" Auston says to Mitch.

"I can't make any promises" Mitch says as we walk out the door.


"Ready to do this?" Mitch asks me as we get our equipment on.

"Yeah" I said nervously.

"Jamie there is nothing to worry about" Mitch comforts me.

"But I always have dreams about skydiving and it always ends with me dying" I say as I take deep breaths in and out.

"Jamie i'm going to be by your side through this whole thing" Mitch takes my hand as I smile.

"Thanks" I said.

"Okay are you guys ready to get on the plane?" The instructor said.

Mitch and I both nodded as we both followed the man.

Let's hope that I will survive this, there is no turning back now

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