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                      Jamie Marner


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"Jamie they are arriving any minute, are you ready?" Mitch asks from the other side of my bedroom door.

"Yeah just let me do one last final check" I said looking at myself in the mirror.

"Okay i'm ready" I said to myself as I open the door.

I head to the kitchen and got the food set up.

I hear the doorbell ring.

"I'LL GET IT!!" I hear Mitch yell.

Okay I can do this

I took deep breaths in and out as I hear sounds of people coming in.

"Hey Mitch" I hear my mom say.

"Hey bud" I hear my dad say.

"Hey mom and dad" Mitch says.

I can do this

"Mom and dad I actually have a surprise for you that you may or may not like" Mitch says as he enters the kitchen.

"Mitch I can't do this" I whispered.

"Jamie don't say that I know you can talk to them" he whispers back.

"Mitch what happens when they start talking shit about me behind my back?" I ask.

"Don't worry I will take care of that" Mitch says.

"Mitch what's the surprise?" I hear my mom ask.

I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room.

I saw two people that I haven't seen in forever.

"Hello" was all I said.

"Hello nice to meet you" My mom says.

"Mitch is she your new girlfriend?" My dad asked.

Do they seriously not know who I am

"Mom, Dad you don't remember her?" Mitch asks as they both start to look at me closely.

"Sorry I don't remember you" My mom said.

Those words hurt especially if it's coming from your mom

"Hi my name is Jamie" I said as my mom and dad's faces lit up.

"Oh my god Jamie!! You look so different!!" My mom said giving me a hug.

"Jamie you look beautiful" my dad said giving me a hug too.

"Wow i'm surprised that you guys aren't hating me" I said a little surprised by their reaction.

"Well Jamie we had not contact with you, we had no idea where you went! I was so worried" My mom said.

"Well this wouldn't have happened if you didn't kick me out!"

"Honey we just didn't like your decision"

"Well you guys have to understand that I can make my own decisions!" I yell.

"Okay so let's have dinner now!" Mitch says trying to calm me down.

We all gather ourselves at the table and start eating.

It was very silent, all you could hear are the sounds of chewing.

We would all just stare at each other for like 3 seconds then look back at our food.

"Okay I don't like what's happening" Mitch says breaking up the silence.

"I'm sorry but I don't like the way you've been treating her!" Mitch points to me.

"Honey please" my mom says.

"Don't honey please me!! I just don't like how you didn't recognize her at first then you suddenly become all nice and act like nothing happened. Didn't you guys forget that you kicked her out when she turned 18! And when Steph came over you had no photos of her and you turned her room into a play room, you acted like she never existed!! What did she ever do to you??" Mitch says.

I can't believe Mitch is actually defending me, he has never done this to my parents before

"We just didn't agree on what she wanted to be" my dad defends himself.

"Have you ever heard me sing before?" I ask them.

"Nope" they both said.

"Just hear her out and maybe you'll agree with her" Mitch says.

My parents looked at each other for a moment before looking back at us.

"Okay show us why we are wrong"

I nodded as I got up and got my guitar.

Mitch and my parents gathered in the living room.

I sat down and started doing what I love to do.

I stopped playing and looked at their reactions.

Mitch gave me the thumbs up but I was still waiting for my parents.

It took them a while before they started to clap for me.

"You were amazing" they said.

"You really think that?"

"I'm sorry that we are acting like horrible parents towards you, can you forgive us?" My mom asks.

"It will take some time but for right now yeah" I say as they hug me.

I guess this means that I get my room back

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