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                       Jamie Marner

                       Jamie Marner

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I open my eyes to hear music coming from the room next to me.

I sit up from my bed and looked out the window.

Yesterday had to be one of the worst days of my life.

Luckily I had Mitch with me last night.

I remember falling asleep in the car, Mitch had to carry me into my room.

He tucked me in before kissing me on the forehead.

Just as I am replaying everything that happened last night in my head, the music playing from the living begins to get louder.

I get out of my bed to figure out who's playing the music.

I enter the living room to see Mitch and Auston playing Guitar Hero.

Mitch is playing the drums as Auston is belting out on the guitar.

"What is going on in here?!" I ask loud enough for them to hear.

"Trying to beat Auston's ass in Guitar Hero" Mitch says.

"I think Mitch is trying I say that i'm going to beat his flat ass of his" Auston says making me laugh.

"You guys are such dorks" I say sitting down on the couch.

Minutes later Mitch does in fact beat Auston, let's just say that Auston wasn't too happy with the results.

After minutes of bickering at each other which I enjoyed watching, Auston leaves the room to take a shower while Mitch takes a seat next to me.

"How are you holding up?"

"Doing much better after seeing you guys compete against each other" I say smiling at him.

"Well I know you probably won't agree to this but I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with Auston, Steph and I?" He offers.

"And who's hosting the party?" I ask.

"Well Matt and Sydney are" he says.

"Mitch I don't know, I just don't think that it's time to face them" I said.

"But you will have to face them eventually" Mitch says, I can tell he wants me to go.

"Well I know that you really want me to go so I guess i'll go" I said.

"Yay thank you" Mitch says happily.

"Just get ready by 6" he says before getting up.


As I am applying my make up I hear my door open.

"Your bitch is here!" Steph says entering my room.

"Hey bitch" I say smiling at her.

"So happy that you are going to this party, I promise that i'll be by your side the whole time" Steph says making me laugh.

"What?" She asks confused on why I was laughing.

"Steph you won't be by my side the whole time, you'll probably be with Mitch sucking his face" I said.

"Not true"

"Steph I can see that you are lying" I say getting up and heading to my closet.

"Okay whatever, i'm using this lipstick" Steph says grabbing my lipstick and applying it.

"Don't look i'm going to change" I say changing into my dress.

"Do I look good?" I asked Steph who is still apply the lipstick.

She turns around and looks at me.

"Girl you look hot!" She says making me blush.

"Girls are you ready?" I hear Mitch say.

Both him and Auston enter my room.

"Babe doesn't she look good?" Steph asks.

Both Mitch and Auston stop in there places and stare at me.

"Jamie you look amazing!" Mitch says.

"Yeah good" Auston says looking me up and down.

"I see Auston likes what he sees" Steph says making me laugh.

"Dude she's my sister" Mitch slaps Auston on his shoulder.

"But she looks hot!!" Auston says making Mitch roll his eye and making me blush.

"Let's go" Mitch says grabbing Steph hand.

"You don't look bad yourself" I say to him as I walk by.

"Don't tease me like that" he whispered back to me.

"Not teasing anyone" I said back to him biting my lip.

"Let's go" Mitch jumps in between Auston and I.

Mitch grabs my wrist and drags me out the door.

"Thanks for ruining the moment" I thanked him.

"My pleasure" he said.

My brother, one moment he is very sweet and caring and the other moment he is protective and boring

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