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                        Jamie Marner


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"Let's do something fun today!" I said to Steph who was cooking breakfast.

"Like what?" She asked.

"Um let's go to the beach, I need a tan anyways" I suggested.

"Sure i'll text Mitch" Steph said getting her phone out and not paying attention to her pancakes she's making.

"I'll wake up the kids and we can get going" I said getting up from the couch and heading upstairs to the kids room.

I open the door to see Amelia and Louis jumping on their beds.

"Um who said that you two are allowed to jump on the beds?" I got their attention.

"Oh hi mommy" they both said with guilt in their voices.

"Well let's get you into your bathing suits, we are going to the beach" I said as both of them cheered with joy.

"Yay we can play with the beach ball Louis" Amelia said.

"Okay just put this on" I said handing both of them their bathing suits.

After we all get ready we hear the smoke alarm go off.

The kids and I headed downstairs to see Steph opening all the windows and trying to get all the smoke out.

"Sorry I burnt the pancakes" she said as she continued to blow away the smoke.


"Ugh it's hot" Steph complained as we put our stuff down in the sand.

"It's not that hot, it's relaxing" I put the towel out so I can begin to tan.

"Whatever i'm going under the umbrella so no one bother me" Steph says putting her sunglasses on and laying down on the other towel.

"Mommy we are going to play with the beach ball" Louis said.

"Okay have fun" I said as both of them ran off laughing.

Time to get my tan on

                    Auston Matthews

"Ugh i'm dying already" I complained.

Mitch forced me to go to the beach with him. He needed to get a little tanned before his wedding day which is in a couple of months.

"Okay i'm going to go to the washroom" Mitch says.

I get out foldable chair out and sat on it to relax for a little bit.

I close my eyes and I hear the sound of the waves which is making me calm down.

I suddenly feel a beach ball hitting me, I open my eyes to see two kids walking over to me.

"Sorry about that sir" a little girl with brown hair and blue eyes said to me.

"It's okay" I said giving her the beach ball back.

"Hopefully we didn't disturb you" a little boy with blonde hair and brown eyes said to me.

"You didn't disturb me at all" I smiled at them.

"What's your names?" I asked them.

"Our mom told us to never talk to strangers" the little boy said.

"Oh well i'm Auston" I introduced myself as the little girls face lit up.

"Hey he has the same name as daddy" she said with excitement for one second before changing her expression with a frown.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong with my name?" I asked them after noticing he little girls frown.

"No it's just that we never met our dad" the little girl said sadly.

"Why haven't you ever met our dad?" I asked, I was curious to know.

"Well our dad doesn't even know we exist" the little boy said.

"I'm sorry to hear about that" I said.

"It's okay" the little girl said.

"Hope you have a good day sir" the little boy said before being interrupted by a voice.


I turn around to see a blonde figure coming closer to us.

"There you guys are I was looking everywhere for you" she said to the kids before facing me.

I took off my sunglasses to take a closer look.

"Steph?" I said in confusion as she looked at me.

"Auston?" She said before giving me a hug.

"Never thought I would see you here especially with kids" I said.

"Oh these aren't mine, they're my friends" she said with a smile on her face.

"Well Mitch is still in the washroom, the washroom is a 10 minute walk from here so that's why he's taking long" I told her.

"Well I should take these kids back to their mom" Steph said before hearing another voice coming from behind me.

"LOUIS!! AMELIA!!" I swear I recognized that voice.

I turned around to see the person I thought I would never see again in my life.


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