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                       Jamie Marner


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I open my eyes but all I see is darkness

I hear the sound of thunder coming from outside

I pull my blanket over my face, i'm absolutely scared of thunder

A few minutes later the light is turned on

I remove the blanket from my face, I see the creepy dude who almost raped me last night

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked him as he walked closer to me

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, he smiled and came up to me

"NO!" I yell

"Jamie wake up"

I open my eyes and see Auston looking over me.

"What happened?" He asked as I sat up.

"T-the guy was in my dreams, he was about to r-rape me" I say in a terrified voice.

I start to cry as Auston pulls me in a hug.

"Shh" he said wiping the tears from my face.

"I'm here, i'll make sure he doesn't lay a hand on you in your dreams and in real life" Auston said hugging me tighter.

Again I felt safe in his arms, why is it that I suddenly feel comfortable in his arms. The only other time I felt safe in someone's arms is when Mitch comforts me.

Auston let's me go and I lay down back in my bed.

He gets up and heads for the door.

"Auston" I call out.

"Yeah" he said turning back.

"Can you sleep with me, i'm scared" I confessed.

"Sure" he said smiling.

I move over in my bed to make room for him to lay down.

The last thing I remember is Auston putting his arm around me.


"Look at them"

"I don't like the idea of this"

I open my eyes to see Mitch and Steph looking over me.

I feel an arm around me, I look and see Auston still in a deep sleep.

I sit up and face them.

"How long have you two been staring at Auston and I?" I asked the couple.

"I'll say about 3 minutes" Mitch says.

"So?" Steph says.

"Before you say anything Auston and I are not dating" I said.

"Steph we got the answer now let's go i'm hungry" Mitch says.

"Jamie I can tell there is something between you two" Steph says.

"Steph" I said as I look over to Mitch basically asking him to help me out.

"Let's go babe" he says taking her hand and leading her out.

"Jamie we are talking about this later" Steph says as she leaves the room.

I look over at Auston to see him rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning" I said.

"Good morning" he said in a sexy morning voice.

"Thanks for staying with me for the night" I said.

"No problem" he said.

"I have to go, I have practice" he said as he got up.

I smiled at him as he smiled back.

He turned around and left the room.

I suddenly feel my cheeks start to heat up.

Why do I feel something every time i'm around him??

I decide to walk over to my closet and changed into an outfit.

I fixed my hair and makeup and headed out my room.

I walked into the living room to see Steph sitting down drinking a cup of coffee, she stared at me as I walked in.

"What?" I asked her.

"Come and sit" she said tapping the seat next to her.

I sat down and faced her.

"What is this about?"

"You and Auston now spill" she said.

"For the millionth time i'm not dating Auston" I said to her.

"Jamie" she said raising one eyebrow at me.

"Not telling you" I said.

"Fine then I will tweet out an embarrassing story about you" she said.

"Okay I don't care" I said.

"I'll tweet out the story when you tired to cook" she said grabbing my attention.

"You wouldn't" I said.

"Just tell me what happened between You and Auston" she said as I gave in.

"Fine" I said.

"Well it started last night when I wondered off, I was in a alley and this creep came up to me basically wanting to rape me luckily Auston came and beat up the guy. I scraped my knees on the ground so after Auston beat up the creep he carried me back here. Then I had a dream about the guy coming in my room and raping me, Auston woke me up and asked if everything was okay, he comforted me. I then asked him to stay with me overnight because I was scared. For some reason I had this feeling when he was near me"

"Jamie" Steph said.


"I think you are falling for Auston" she said as I looked at her.

Maybe I am falling for Auston

"No I can't fall for him" I said.

"Why not I ship it" Steph says.

"No I can't date one of Mitch's teammates"

"Why not?"

"Because my last boyfriend was one of Mitch's teammates"

"And what's wrong with that?"

"Mitch got pissed at him"

"Again I'm still lost" Steph said.

"He abused me" I said.

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